Recent U.S. advances in ion-beam-driven high energy density physics and heavy ion fusion
B.G. Logan,F.M. Bieniosek,C.M. Celata,J.E. Coleman,Wayne G. Greenway,Enrique Henestroza,J.W. Kwan,Edward P. Lee,Matthaeus Leitner,Prabir K. Roy,P.A. Seidl,J-L. Vay,W.L. Waldron,Simon S. Yu,J.J. Barnard,Ronald H. Cohen,Alex Friedman,David P. Grote,M. Kireeff Covo,A.W. Molvik,S.M. Lund,Wayne R. Meier,W.M. Sharp,Ronald C. Davidson,P. C. Efthimion,Erik P. Gilson,L. R. Grisham,Qin H. Kaganovich,A.B. Sefkow,Edward A. Startsev,D.R. Welch,Craig L. Olson
Abstract:Recent U.S. advances in ion-beam-driven high energy density physics and heavy ion fusion* B. G. Logan, F.M. Bieniosek, C.M. Celata, J. Coleman, W. Greenway, E. Henestroza, J.W. Kwan, E. P. Lee, M. Leitner, P.K. Roy, P.A. Seidl, J-L. Vay, W.L. Waldron, S.S. Yu Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA J.J. Barnard, R.H. Cohen, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, M. Kireeff Covo, A.W. Molvik, S.M. Lund, W.R. Meier, W. Sharp Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA R.C. Davidson, P.C. Efthimion, E.P. Gilson, L. Grisham, I.D. Kaganovich, H. Qin, A.B. Sefkow, E.A. Startsev Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA D. Welch, Voss Scientific, Albuquerque, NM, USA C. Olson, Sandia National Laboratories, USA Abstract During the past two years, significant experimental and theoretical progress has been made in the U.S. heavy ion fusion science program in longitudinal beam compression, ion-beam-driven warm dense matter, beam acceleration, high brightness beam transport, and advanced theory and numerical simulations. Innovations in longitudinal compression of intense ion beams by > 50 X propagating through background plasma enable initial beam target experiments in warm dense matter to begin within the next two years. We are assessing how these new techniques might apply to heavy ion fusion drivers for inertial fusion energy. 1. Introduction A coordinated heavy ion fusion science program by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (the Heavy- Ion Fusion Science Virtual National Laboratory), together with collaborators at Voss Scientific and Sandia National Laboratories, pursues research on compressing heavy ion beams towards the high intensities required for creating high energy density matter and fusion energy. In previous research, experiments [1] and simulations [2] showed >100X increases in focused beam intensities in the Neutralized Transport Experiment by transverse compression of an intense ion beam propagating through a background plasma to neutralize >90% of the beam space charge. Section 2 describes recent work on longitudinal compression of an intense beam within neutralizing plasma, and in Sec. 3 we describe studies of initial warm dense matter target experiments that can begin in 2008 after transverse and longitudinal beam compression are combined. Progress in testing a novel Pulse Line Ion Accelerator (PLIA) is described in Sec. 4, e-cloud experiments, theory and simulations in Sec 5, advanced injectors in Sec 6, and advanced theory and simulation models in Sec 7. Section 8 discusses potential applications to heavy ion fusion drivers, and conclusions are given in Sec. 9. 2. Neutralized drift compression Our approach to maximize both beam energy deposition and heating uniformity is to place the peak in ion beam dE/dx at the center of thin targets (a few microns’ thickness, corresponding to the range of MeV ion beams) [3]. Such thin targets will hydro-expand in a few nanoseconds at 1 eV temperature, so short pulses of a few ns are needed instead of the few !s pulses previously used. Longitudinal compression of an ion bunch using a velocity ramp head-to-tail while traveling through neutralizing background plasma provides a means of generating ion beam