Schur-Weyl duality for U_v,t(sl_n)
Yanmin Yang,Haitao Ma,Zhu-Jun Zheng
Abstract:In <cit.>, the authors get a new presentation of two-parameter quantum algebra U_v,t(𝔤). Their presentation can cover all Kac-Moody cases. In this paper, we construct a suitable Hopf pairing such that U_v,t(sl_n) can be realized as Drinfeld double of certain Hopf subalgebras with respect to the Hopf pairing. Using Hopf pairing, we construct a R-matrix for U_v,t(sl_n) which will be used to give the Schur-Weyl dual between U_v,t(sl_n) and Hecke algebra H_k(v,t). Furthermore, using the Fusion procedure we construct the primitive orthogonal idempotents of H_k(v,t). As a corollary, we give the explicit construction of irreducible U_v,t(sl_n)-representations of V^⊗ k.