Ali Muhammad H. H.,El-sayed A. El-dahshan,S. Elgammal
Abstract:In this study, we aim to explore the potential for generating events related to dark matter (DM) in conjunction with a neutral heavy gauge boson (Z$^{\prime}$) decaying leptonically during proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These collisions occur at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 14 TeV, with a high integrated luminosity equivalent to 1000 fb$^{-1}$. Our analysis involves interpreting the outcomes through Monte Carlo simulation of the effective field theory (EFT) framework. If no new physics is detected, we establish constraints on various parameters within the EFT context, such as the scenario cutoff scale ($\Lambda$) and the Z$^{\prime}$ mass.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to explore the potential of generating neutral heavy gauge boson (Z′) events related to dark matter (DM) through simulating proton - proton collisions at the High - Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL - LHC). Specifically, the research focuses on the possibility of simultaneously producing dark matter particles during the leptonic decay of the Z′ boson at a center - of - mass energy of 14 TeV.
### Main problems
1. **Detection of dark matter**: The current Standard Model cannot explain the nature of dark matter. Therefore, researchers hope to expand the Standard Model by discovering new physical phenomena, especially looking for new particles and interactions related to dark matter.
2. **Existence and properties of the Z′ boson**: The Z′ boson is a hypothesized new neutral heavy gauge boson that may be related to dark matter. Researchers hope to determine the mass range and other parameters of the Z′ boson and verify its existence.
3. **Constraints within the framework of Effective Field Theory (EFT)**: If no new physical phenomena are discovered in the experiment, researchers will promote theoretical research by imposing restrictions on parameters (such as the cutoff scale Λ and the Z′ mass) in the EFT framework.
### Research methods
- **Monte Carlo simulation**: Use MadGraph5 aMC@NLO v3.5.0 to generate signal samples, and use Pythia8 to simulate the hadronization and parton shower processes.
- **Background simulation**: Consider multiple Standard Model backgrounds, such as the Drell - Yan process, top - quark pair production, etc. These backgrounds may mimic signal characteristics.
- **Event selection**: Distinguish signals from backgrounds through a series of strict kinematic cuts, including the pT, η, isolation conditions of muons, and the dimuon invariant mass, etc.
### Key conclusions
- **Exclusion range**: For different values of the cutoff scale Λ, the research has determined the Z′ mass range that can be excluded. For example, when Λ = 1 TeV, the Z′ mass range from 200 to 2000 GeV can be excluded.
- **Statistical significance**: By calculating the statistical significance of the signal relative to the Standard Model background, the research shows that at an integrated luminosity of 1900 fb−1, a significance of 5σ can be reached at a Z′ mass of 600 GeV and a Λ value of 4 TeV.
In conclusion, this research aims to further explore new physical phenomena related to dark matter through experimental data from the High - Luminosity Large Hadron Collider and provide important theoretical and experimental bases for future research.