The DESI Experiment Part II: Instrument Design
DESI Collaboration,Amir Aghamousa,Jessica Aguilar,Steve Ahlen,Shadab Alam,Lori E. Allen,Carlos Allende Prieto,James Annis,Stephen Bailey,Christophe Balland,Otger Ballester,Charles Baltay,Lucas Beaufore,Chris Bebek,Timothy C. Beers,Eric F. Bell,José Luis Bernal,Robert Besuner,Florian Beutler,Chris Blake,Hannes Bleuler,Michael Blomqvist,Robert Blum,Adam S. Bolton,Cesar Briceno,David Brooks,Joel R. Brownstein,Elizabeth Buckley-Geer,Angela Burden,Etienne Burtin,Nicolas G. Busca,Robert N. Cahn,Yan-Chuan Cai,Laia Cardiel-Sas,Raymond G. Carlberg,Pierre-Henri Carton,Ricard Casas,Francisco J. Castander,Jorge L. Cervantes-Cota,Todd M. Claybaugh,Madeline Close,Carl T. Coker,Shaun Cole,Johan Comparat,Andrew P. Cooper,M.-C. Cousinou,Martin Crocce,Jean-Gabriel Cuby,Daniel P. Cunningham,Tamara M. Davis,Kyle S. Dawson,Axel de la Macorra,Juan De Vicente,Timothée Delubac,Mark Derwent,Arjun Dey,Govinda Dhungana,Zhejie Ding,Peter Doel,Yutong T. Duan,Anne Ealet,Jerry Edelstein,Sarah Eftekharzadeh,Daniel J. Eisenstein,Ann Elliott,Stéphanie Escoffier,Matthew Evatt,Parker Fagrelius,Xiaohui Fan,Kevin Fanning,Arya Farahi,Jay Farihi,Ginevra Favole,Yu Feng,Enrique Fernandez,Joseph R. Findlay,Douglas P. Finkbeiner,Michael J. Fitzpatrick,Brenna Flaugher,Samuel Flender,Andreu Font-Ribera,Jaime E. Forero-Romero,Pablo Fosalba,Carlos S. Frenk,Michele Fumagalli,Boris T. Gaensicke,Giuseppe Gallo,Juan Garcia-Bellido,Enrique Gaztanaga,Nicola Pietro Gentile Fusillo,Terry Gerard,Irena Gershkovich,Tommaso Giannantonio,Denis Gillet,Guillermo Gonzalez-de-Rivera,Violeta Gonzalez-Perez,Shelby Gott,Or Graur,Gaston Gutierrez,Julien Guy,Salman Habib,Henry Heetderks,Ian Heetderks,Katrin Heitmann,Wojciech A. Hellwing,David A. Herrera,Shirley Ho,Stephen Holland,Klaus Honscheid,Eric Huff,Timothy A. Hutchinson,Dragan Huterer,Ho Seong Hwang,Joseph Maria Illa Laguna,Yuzo Ishikawa,Dianna Jacobs,Niall Jeffrey,Patrick Jelinsky,Elise Jennings,Linhua Jiang,Jorge Jimenez,Jennifer Johnson,Richard Joyce,Eric Jullo,Stéphanie Juneau,Sami Kama,Armin Karcher,Sonia Karkar,Robert Kehoe,Noble Kennamer,Stephen Kent,Martin Kilbinger,Alex G. Kim,David Kirkby,Theodore Kisner,Ellie Kitanidis,Jean-Paul Kneib,Sergey Koposov,Eve Kovacs,Kazuya Koyama,Anthony Kremin,Richard Kron,Luzius Kronig,Andrea Kueter-Young,Cedric G. Lacey,Robin Lafever,Ofer Lahav,Andrew Lambert,Michael Lampton,Martin Landriau,Dustin Lang,Tod R. Lauer,Jean-Marc Le Goff,Laurent Le Guillou,Auguste Le Van Suu,Jae Hyeon Lee,Su-Jeong Lee,Daniela Leitner,Michael Lesser,Michael E. Levi,Benjamin L'Huillier,Baojiu Li,Ming Liang,Huan Lin,Eric Linder,Sarah R. Loebman,Zarija Lukić,Jun Ma,Niall MacCrann,Christophe Magneville,Laleh Makarem,Marc Manera,Christopher J. Manser,Robert Marshall,Paul Martini,Richard Massey,Thomas Matheson,Jeremy McCauley,Patrick McDonald,Ian D. McGreer,Aaron Meisner,Nigel Metcalfe,Timothy N. Miller,Ramon Miquel,John Moustakas,Adam Myers,Milind Naik,Jeffrey A. Newman,Robert C. Nichol,Andrina Nicola,Luiz Nicolati da Costa,Jundan Nie,Gustavo Niz,Peder Norberg,Brian Nord,Dara Norman,Peter Nugent,Thomas O'Brien,Minji Oh,Knut A. G. Olsen,Cristobal Padilla,Hamsa Padmanabhan,Nikhil Padmanabhan,Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille,Antonella Palmese,Daniel Pappalardo,Isabelle Pâris,Changbom Park,Anna Patej,John A. Peacock,Hiranya V. Peiris,Xiyan Peng,Will J. Percival,Sandrine Perruchot,Matthew M. Pieri,Richard Pogge,Jennifer E. Pollack,Claire Poppett,Francisco Prada,Abhishek Prakash,Ronald G. Probst,David Rabinowitz,Anand Raichoor,Chang Hee Ree,Alexandre Refregier,Xavier Regal,Beth Reid,Kevin Reil,Mehdi Rezaie,Constance M. Rockosi,Natalie Roe,Samuel Ronayette,Aaron Roodman,Ashley J. Ross,Nicholas P. Ross,Graziano Rossi,Eduardo Rozo,Vanina Ruhlmann-Kleider,Eli S. Rykoff,Cristiano Sabiu,Lado Samushia,Eusebio Sanchez,Javier Sanchez,David J. Schlegel,Michael Schneider,Michael Schubnell,Aurélia Secroun,Uros Seljak,Hee-Jong Seo,Santiago Serrano,Arman Shafieloo,Huanyuan Shan,Ray Sharples,Michael J. Sholl,William V. Shourt,Joseph H. Silber,David R. Silva,Martin M. Sirk,Anze Slosar,Alex Smith,George F. Smoot,Debopam Som,Yong-Seon Song,David Sprayberry,Ryan Staten,Andy Stefanik,Gregory Tarle,Suk Sien Tie,Jeremy L. Tinker,Rita Tojeiro,Francisco Valdes,Octavio Valenzuela,Monica Valluri,Mariana Vargas-Magana,Licia Verde,Alistair R. Walker,Jiali Wang,Yuting Wang,Benjamin A. Weaver,Curtis Weaverdyck,Risa H. Wechsler,David H. Weinberg,Martin White,Qian Yang,Christophe Yeche,Tianmeng Zhang,Gong-Bo Zhao,Yi Zheng,Xu Zhou,Zhimin Zhou,Yaling Zhu,Hu Zou,Ying Zu,et al. (193 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:DESI (Dark Energy Spectropic Instrument) is a Stage IV ground-based dark energy experiment that will study baryon acoustic oscillations and the growth of structure through redshift-space distortions with a wide-area galaxy and quasar redshift survey. The DESI instrument is a robotically-actuated, fiber-fed spectrograph capable of taking up to 5,000 simultaneous spectra over a wavelength range from 360 nm to 980 nm. The fibers feed ten three-arm spectrographs with resolution $R= \lambda/\Delta\lambda$ between 2000 and 5500, depending on wavelength. The DESI instrument will be used to conduct a five-year survey designed to cover 14,000 deg$^2$. This powerful instrument will be installed at prime focus on the 4-m Mayall telescope in Kitt Peak, Arizona, along with a new optical corrector, which will provide a three-degree diameter field of view. The DESI collaboration will also deliver a spectroscopic pipeline and data management system to reduce and archive all data for eventual public use.
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics,Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics