Jet Quenching and Medium Response in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
Chang Ning-Bo,Chen Wei,He YaYun,Luo Ao,Pang Long-Gang,Qin Guang-You,Wang En-Ke,Wang Xin-Nian,Xing Wen-Jing,Yang Meng-Quan,Yang Zhong,Zhang Ben-Wei,Zhang Han-Zhong,Zhao WenBin
Abstract:We briefly review some recent studies pertaining to jet-medium interaction and jet quenching in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. We focus on the following four topics: leading hadrons, full jets, heavy quarks, and medium response. The suppression of large-transverse-momentum hadrons served as a crucial signature of jet quenching in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In the large-transverse-momentum regime, we discuss the flavor hierarchy of jet quenching by considering the contributions of both quarks and gluons to heavy and light hadron production, alongside the e ffect of nuclear modification. In the low and intermediate transverse momentum regimes, we discuss the crucial roles of quark coalescence and nonperturbative interactions to further our understanding of nuclear modification and the elliptic flow of light- and heavy-flavor hadrons. Recently, full jets and their nuclear modification have emerged as prominent topics of research within the field. Herein, we discuss the first Bayesian extraction of jet energy-loss distribution from a single inclusive jet and photon-tagged jet data. Additionally, we present several recent studies on jet structure and substructure observables, including jet shape, jet girth, transverse momentum dispersion, groomed jet-splitting momentum fraction and radius, reclustered large-radius jets, and heavy-meson distribution within jets. Jet-induced medium response has been a hot and di fficult topic for a long time. Jet quenching not only triggers a Mach cone and wavefront around the propagating jet but also generates a di ffusion wake behind the jet. We present some recent studies regarding medium response e ffect in jet-related observables. In particular, we discuss how jet-induced medium response a ffects the energy distribution and hadron chemistry around the quenched jets, and how to detect the two- and three-dimensional structures of di ffusion wake in photon/Z-tagged jet events.