Searching Trees with Permanently Noisy Advice: Walking and Query Algorithms
Lucas Boczkowski,Uriel Feige,Amos Korman,Yoav Rodeh
Abstract:We consider a search problem on trees in which the goal is to find an adversarially placed treasure, while relying on local, partial information. Specifically, each node in the tree holds a pointer to one of its neighbors, termed \emph{advice}. A node is faulty with probability $q$. The advice at a non-faulty node points to the neighbor that is closer to the treasure, and the advice at a faulty node points to a uniformly random neighbor. Crucially, the advice is {\em permanent}, in the sense that querying the same node again would yield the same answer. Let $\Delta$ denote the maximal degree. Roughly speaking, when considering the expected number of {\em moves}, i.e., edge traversals, we show that a phase transition occurs when the {\em noise parameter} $q$ is about $1/\sqrt{\Delta}$. Below the threshold, there exists an algorithm with expected move complexity $O(D\sqrt{\Delta})$, where $D$ is the depth of the treasure, whereas above the threshold, every search algorithm has expected number of moves which is both exponential in $D$ and polynomial in the number of nodes~$n$. In contrast, if we require to find the treasure with probability at least $1-\delta$, then for every fixed $\varepsilon > 0$, if $q<1/\Delta^{\varepsilon}$ then there exists a search strategy that with probability $1-\delta$ finds the treasure using $(\delta^{-1}D)^{O(\frac 1 \varepsilon)}$ moves. Moreover, we show that $(\delta^{-1}D)^{\Omega(\frac 1 \varepsilon)}$ moves are necessary. Besides the number of moves, we also study the number of advice {\em queries} required to find the treasure. Roughly speaking, for this complexity, we show similar threshold results to those previously stated, where the parameter $D$ is replaced by $\log n$.
Data Structures and Algorithms