Observation of new charmonium(-like) states in $B^+ \to D^{*\pm} D^{\mp} K^+$ decays

LHCb collaboration,R. Aaij,A.S.W. Abdelmotteleb,C. Abellan Beteta,F. Abudinén,T. Ackernley,A. A. Adefisoye,B. Adeva,M. Adinolfi,P. Adlarson,C. Agapopoulou,C.A. Aidala,Z. Ajaltouni,S. Akar,K. Akiba,P. Albicocco,J. Albrecht,F. Alessio,M. Alexander,Z. Aliouche,P. Alvarez Cartelle,R. Amalric,S. Amato,J.L. Amey,Y. Amhis,L. An,L. Anderlini,M. Andersson,A. Andreianov,P. Andreola,M. Andreotti,D. Andreou,A. Anelli,D. Ao,F. Archilli,M. Argenton,S. Arguedas Cuendis,A. Artamonov,M. Artuso,E. Aslanides,M. Atzeni,B. Audurier,D. Bacher,I. Bachiller Perea,S. Bachmann,M. Bachmayer,J.J. Back,P. Baladron Rodriguez,V. Balagura,W. Baldini,J. Baptista de Souza Leite,M. Barbetti,I. R. Barbosa,R.J. Barlow,S. Barsuk,W. Barter,M. Bartolini,J. Bartz,F. Baryshnikov,J.M. Basels,G. Bassi,B. Batsukh,A. Battig,A. Bay,A. Beck,M. Becker,F. Bedeschi,I.B. Bediaga,A. Beiter,S. Belin,V. Bellee,K. Belous,I. Belov,I. Belyaev,G. Benane,G. Bencivenni,E. Ben-Haim,A. Berezhnoy,R. Bernet,S. Bernet Andres,C. Bertella,A. Bertolin,C. Betancourt,F. Betti,J. Bex,Ia. Bezshyiko,J. Bhom,M.S. Bieker,N.V. Biesuz,P. Billoir,A. Biolchini,M. Birch,F.C.R. Bishop,A. Bitadze,A. Bizzeti,T. Blake,F. Blanc,J.E. Blank,S. Blusk,V. Bocharnikov,et al. (987 additional authors not shown)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.131902
Abstract:A study of resonant structures in $B^{+}\rightarrow{D^{\ast+}D^{-}K^{+}}$ and $B^{+}\rightarrow{D^{\ast-}D^{+}K^{+}}$ decays is performed, using proton-proton collision data at centre-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s}=7, 8$, and $13$ TeV recorded by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 fb$^{-1}$. A simultaneous amplitude fit is performed to the two channels with contributions from resonances decaying to $D^{\ast-}D^{+}$ and $D^{\ast+}D^{-}$ states linked by $C$ parity. This procedure allows the $C$-parities of resonances in the $D^{\ast\pm}D^{\mp}$ mass spectra to be determined. Four charmonium(-like) states are observed decaying into $D^{\ast\pm}D^{\mp}$: $\eta_c(3945)$, $h_c(4000)$, $\chi_{c1}(4010)$ and $h_c(4300)$, with quantum numbers $J^{PC}$ equal to $0^{-+}$, $1^{+-}$, $1^{++}$ and $1^{+-}$, respectively. At least three of these states have not been observed previously. In addition, the existence of the $T_{\bar{c}\bar{s}0}^{*}(2870)^{0}$ and $T_{\bar{c}\bar{s}1}^{*}(2900)^{0}$ resonances in the $D^-K^+$ mass spectrum, already observed in the $B^+ \to D^+ D^- K^+$ decay, is confirmed in a different production channel.
High Energy Physics - Experiment
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