Abstract:Let $G$ be a finite group and $A$ be a regular local ring on which $G$ acts. Under certain assumptions on $A$ and the action, Serre defined a function $a_G\colon G\rightarrow\mathbb{Z}$ which can be viewed as a higher dimensional analogue of Artin character, and conjectured that it is associated to a $\mathbb{Q}_\ell$-rational representation of $G$ for any prime $\ell$ invertible in $A$. We prove this conjecture in the equal characteristic case.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### The problems the paper attempts to solve
The paper aims to prove J.-P. Serre's conjecture on Artin characters in geometric situations. Specifically, the paper focuses on whether the function \(a_G\) is the character of a \(Q_\ell\) -representation and this representation is \(Q_\ell\) -rational when \(A\) contains a finite field under the equal characteristic condition.
#### Background and problem description
Let \(G\) be a finite group and \(A\) be a regular local ring on which \(G\) acts. For \(\sigma\in G\), define the ideal \(I_\sigma\) as the ideal generated by the set \(\{a - \sigma(a)|a\in A\}\). Assume that the following conditions hold:
1. \(A^G\) (i.e., the \(G\) -invariant part) is a Noetherian ring and \(A\) is a finite module over \(A^G\).
2. For any \(\sigma\in G\setminus\{1\}\), the length of the ring \(A/I_\sigma\) is finite.
3. The induced map \(A^G/(A^G\cap m)\to A/m\) is an isomorphism.
On this basis, define the function \(a_G:G\to\mathbb{Z}\) as follows:
a_G(\sigma) :=
-\text{length}_A(A/I_\sigma), & \text{if } \sigma\in G\setminus\{1\}, \\
-\sum_{\xi\in G\setminus\{1\}} a_G(\xi), & \text{if } \sigma = 1.
When \(A\) is a discrete valuation ring, \(a_G\) is the Artin character (see [S2, §19.1]). In this case, there is a representation of \(G\) whose corresponding character is \(a_G\). For any prime number \(\ell\) invertible in \(A\), this representation is \(Q_\ell\) -rational.
Serre conjectured that for general \(A\), similar properties hold, specifically as follows:
**Conjecture (Serre [S, §6])**:
- For any prime number \(\ell\) invertible in \(A\),
1. The function \(a_G\) is the character of a \(Q_\ell\) -representation, called the Artin representation.
2. The Artin representation is \(Q_\ell\) -rational.
### The main contributions of the paper
In this paper, the author proves that the above conjecture is correct in the equal - characteristic case (i.e., when \(A\) contains a finite field). This is achieved by solving [KSS, Conj 5.1]. Specifically, [KSS, Conj 5.1] states that: Let \(S = \text{Spec}(k\{t\})\), where \(k\{t\}\) is the strict Henselization of \(A^1\) at 0, \(X\to S\) is a morphism of finite type, and \(G\) acts on \(X\) and covers \(S\) with a single fixed point \(x\). Under certain assumptions, [KSS] conjectures that for any \(\sigma\in G\setminus\{1\}\), we have:
\[ \text{Tr}(\sigma; dt(R\phi_f\Lambda)_x) = a_G(\sigma). \]
The author successfully proves this conjecture by using tools such as the Lefschetz - Verdier pairing, thus proving the correctness of Serre's conjecture in the equal - characteristic case.
### Summary
The paper proves Se by solving [KSS, Conj 5.1].