Abstract:Materials that are constantly driven out of thermodynamic equilibrium, such as active and living systems, typically violate the Einstein relation. This may arise from active contributions to particle fluctuations which are unrelated to the dissipative resistance of the surrounding medium. We show that in these cases the widely used relation between informatic entropy production and heat dissipation does not hold. Consequently, fluctuation relations for the mechanical work, such as the Jarzynski and Crooks theorems, are invalid. We relate the breaking of the correspondence between entropy production and heat dissipation to departure from the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We propose a temperature-like variable which restores this correspondence and gives rise to a generalized second law of thermodynamics, whereby the dissipated heat is necessarily nonnegative and vanishes at equilibrium. The Clausius inequality, Carnot maximum efficiency theorem, and relation between the extractable work and the change of free energy are recovered as well.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### Problems the Paper Attempts to Solve
This paper aims to address the issue of how to redefine and restore the second law of thermodynamics in systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Specifically, these systems often violate the Einstein Relation (ER), leading to the traditional correspondence between information entropy production and heat dissipation no longer holding. This renders traditional fluctuation theorems (such as the Jarzynski and Crooks theorems) invalid.
### Background
1. **Thermodynamic Equilibrium**: In thermodynamic equilibrium, the configuration of the system follows the Boltzmann distribution, and the Einstein Relation \(D = k_B T \mu\) holds, where \(D\) is the diffusion coefficient, \(\mu\) is the mobility, \(k_B\) is the Boltzmann constant, and \(T\) is the temperature.
2. **Non-equilibrium Systems**: Many active and biological systems are continuously driven out of thermodynamic equilibrium. In these systems, particle fluctuations are independent of the dissipative resistance of the surrounding medium, causing the Einstein Relation to no longer apply.
3. **Fluctuation Theorems**: In equilibrium systems, fluctuation theorems (such as the Jarzynski and Crooks theorems) describe the fluctuation relations of mechanical work. These theorems rely on the existence of temperature, which is defined through the Einstein Relation.
### Main Contributions
1. **Proposing a New Temperature Variable**: The authors propose a new temperature variable that can restore the correspondence between information entropy production and heat dissipation, thereby restoring the second law of thermodynamics.
2. **Restoring Classical Thermodynamic Results**: By introducing the new temperature variable, the authors demonstrate that the Clausius inequality, the Carnot maximum efficiency theorem, and the work relations derived from free energy changes still hold.
3. **Theoretical Derivation**: The authors detail the derivation of the new temperature variable through the analysis of the Langevin equation and stochastic thermodynamics, verifying its effectiveness in non-equilibrium systems.
### Specific Methods
1. **Langevin Equation**: Consider a system composed of N interacting degrees of freedom (particles) influenced by an external time-dependent protocol \(\Lambda_t\). The system follows the overdamped Langevin equation.
2. **Information Entropy Production**: Define information entropy production (IEP) to quantify the breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the dynamics of microscopic states.
3. **New Temperature Variable**: By directly applying the second law of thermodynamics, identify a new temperature variable that satisfies the requirements of non-negative dissipation, zero dissipation at equilibrium, linear thermodynamic stability, and temperature as a macroscopic property.
### Conclusion
1. **Restoring the Information-Thermodynamics Correspondence**: By introducing the new temperature variable, the correspondence between information entropy production and heat dissipation is restored.
2. **Experimental Validation**: The proposed new temperature variable can be validated through simple experimental scenarios, such as controlling particle shape and non-thermal random forces to make mobility and diffusivity either isotropic or anisotropic.
3. **Theoretical Significance**: This new temperature variable is not only theoretically significant but also provides new tools and methods for experimental research.
### References
The paper cites a large number of relevant literature in the field, including statistical physics of active matter, stochastic thermodynamics of chemical reaction networks, and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, to support its theoretical derivation and conclusions.