Correlations of the Riemann zeta function
Michael J. Curran
Abstract:Assuming the Riemann hypothesis, we investigate the shifted moments of the zeta function \[ M_{\alpha,{\beta}}(T) = \int_T^{2T} \prod_{k = 1}^m |\zeta(\tfrac{1}{2} + i (t + \alpha_k))|^{2 \beta_k} dt \] introduced by Chandee, where ${\alpha} = {\alpha}(T) = (\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_m)$ and ${\beta} = (\beta_1 \ldots , \beta_m)$ satisfy $|\alpha_k| \leq T/2$ and $\beta_k\geq 0$. We shall prove that \[ M_{{\alpha},{\beta}}(T) \ll_{\beta} T (\log T)^{\beta_1^2 + \cdots + \beta_m^2} \prod_{1\leq j < k \leq m} |\zeta(1 + i(\alpha_j - \alpha_k) + 1/ \log T )|^{2\beta_j \beta_k}. \] This improves upon the previous best known bounds due to Chandee and Ng, Shen, and Wong, particularly when the differences $|\alpha_j - \alpha_k|$ are unbounded as $T \rightarrow \infty$. The key insight is to combine work of Heap, Radziwiłł, and Soundararajan and work of the author with the work of Harper on the moments of the zeta function.
Number Theory