Center of affine $\mathfrak{sl}_{2|1}$ at the critical level
Drazen Adamovic,Shigenori Nakatsuka
Abstract:In this article, we shall describe the center of the universal affine vertex superalgebra $V^{\kappa_c}(\mathfrak g)$ associated with $\mathfrak g=\mathfrak{sl}_{2|1}, \mathfrak {gl}_{2|1}$ at the critical level $\kappa_c$ and prove the conjecture of A. Molev and E. Ragoucy in this case.
The center $\mathfrak{z}(V^{\kappa_c}(\mathfrak{sl}_{2|1}))$ turns out to be isomorphic to the large level limit $\ell \rightarrow \infty$ of a vertex subalgebra, called the parafermion vertex algebra $K^{\ell} (\mathfrak{sl}_2)$, of the affine vertex algebra $V^\ell(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$. The key ingredient of the proof is to understand the principal $W$-superalgebra $ W^{\kappa_c}(\mathfrak{sl}_{2|1})$ at the critical level. It relates the center $\mathfrak{z}(V^{\kappa_c}(\mathfrak{sl} _{2|1}))$ to $V^\infty(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ via the Kazama-Suzuki duality while it has a surprising coincidence with $V^{\kappa_c}(\mathfrak{gl}_{1|1})$, whose center has been recently described. Moreover, the centers $\mathfrak{z}(V^{\kappa_c}(\mathfrak{sl}_{2|1}))$ and $\mathfrak{z}(W^{\kappa_c}(\mathfrak{sl}_{2|1}))$ are proven to coincide as a byproduct.
A general conjecture is proposed which describes the center $\mathfrak{z}(V^{\kappa_c}(\mathfrak{sl}_{n|m}))$ with $n>m$ as a large level limit of ``the dual side'', i.e., the parafermion-type subalgebras of $W$-algebras $ W^\ell(\mathfrak{sl}_{n}, \mathbb{O}_{[n-m,1^m]})$ associated with hook-type partitions $[n-m,1^m]$, known also as vertex algebras at the corner.
Quantum Algebra,Mathematical Physics,Representation Theory