Abstract:We study the categorical structure of the Grothendieck construction of an indexed category $\mathcal{L}:\mathcal{C}^{op}\to\mathbf{CAT}$ and characterise fibred limits, colimits, and monoidal structures. Next, we give sufficient conditions for the monoidal closure of the total category $\Sigma_\mathcal{C} \mathcal{L}$ of a Grothendieck construction of an indexed category $\mathcal{L}:\mathcal{C}^{op}\to\mathbf{CAT}$. Our analysis is a generalization of Gödel's Dialectica interpretation, and it relies on a novel notion of $\Sigma$-tractable monoidal structure. As we will see, $\Sigma$-tractable coproducts simultaneously generalize cocartesian coclosed structures, biproducts and extensive coproducts. We analyse when the closed structure is fibred -- usually it is not.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is about the existence conditions of the monoidal closed structure in the Grothendieck construction. Specifically, the paper explores how, in the Grothendieck construction $\Sigma_C L$ given the indexing category $L: C^{\text{op}} \to \text{CAT}$, to ensure that the total category $\Sigma_C L$ has a monoidal closed structure by introducing a new concept - $\Sigma$-tractable monoidal structures. This research is a generalization of Gödel's Dialectica interpretation and involves a detailed analysis of fiber limits, colimits and monoidal structures.
### Main contributions
1. **Existence conditions of fiber limits and colimits**:
- The paper proves the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of fiber limits and colimits in the Grothendieck construction $\Sigma_C L$ (Lemma 1 and Lemma 2). Although similar conclusions (especially regarding limits) already exist, the formulations in this paper have not been seen in the literature yet.
2. **Existence conditions of fiber monoidal closed structures**:
- The paper gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for the Grothendieck construction $\Sigma_C L$ to have a fiber monoidal closed structure (Lemma 5).
3. **Definition of $\Sigma$-(co)tractable monoidal structures**:
- The paper defines $\Sigma$-(co)tractable monoidal structures and shows that many monoidal categories that occur in practice are $\Sigma$-(co)tractable (Section 3).
4. **Existence conditions of non - fiber monoidal closed structures**:
- The paper proves that in the case of having $\Pi$-types (fiber products), $\Sigma$-cotractability combination can ensure that the Grothendieck construction is non - fiber monoidal closed on a good base category, by defining exponents through the generalized Dialectica formula (Theorem 1).
5. **Practical examples**:
- The paper shows how many interesting non - fiber monoidal closed and Cartesian closed structures occur in practice (Section 4).
### Key concepts
- **Grothendieck construction**: Given an indexing category $L: C^{\text{op}} \to \text{CAT}$, its Grothendieck construction $\Sigma_C L$ is a category, where objects are dependent pairs $(C, L)$, $C$ is an object in the category $C$, and $L$ is an object in $L(C)$; morphisms $(C, L)\to(C', L')$ are dependent pairs $(c, l)$, where $c: C\to C'$ is a morphism in $C$, and $l: L\to L(c)(L')$ is a morphism in $L(C)$.
- **Fiber limits and colimits**: In the Grothendieck construction, the existence conditions of fiber limits and colimits are closely related to the properties of the base category $C$ and the fiber category $L(C)$.
- **Monoidal closed structure**: A category, if it has a monoidal closed structure, can define exponential objects such that the product and exponential objects in the category satisfy a certain isomorphism relationship.
- **$\Sigma$-tractable monoidal structure**: This is a new concept used to ensure the monoidal closed structure in the Grothendieck construction. It is defined through right adjoints and the Beck - Chevalley condition.
### Conclusion
Through in - depth analysis of the Grothendieck construction, the paper provides a new method to understand and construct monoidal closed structures, which has important applications especially in dependent type theory and computer science. These results not only expand the existing theoretical framework but also provide new solutions to practical problems.