SN 2024ggi in NGC 3621: Rising Ionization in a Nearby, CSM-Interacting Type II Supernova

W. V. Jacobson-Galán,K. W. Davis,C. D. Kilpatrick,L. Dessart,R. Margutti,R. Chornock,R. J. Foley,P. Arunachalam,K. Auchettl,C. R. Bom,R. Cartier,D. A. Coulter,G. Dimitriadis,D. Dickinson,M. R. Drout,A. T. Gagliano,C. Gall,B. Garretson,L. Izzo,D. O. Jones,N. LeBaron,H.-Y. Miao,D. Milisavljevic,Y.-C. Pan,A. Rest,C. Rojas-Bravo,A. Santos,H. Sears,B. M. Subrayan,K. Taggart,S. Tinyanont
Abstract:We present UV/optical/NIR observations and modeling of supernova (SN) 2024ggi, a type II supernova (SN II) located in NGC 3621 at 7.2 Mpc. Early-time ("flash") spectroscopy of SN 2024ggi within +0.8 days of discovery shows emission lines of H I, He I, C III, and N III with a narrow core and broad, symmetric wings (i.e., IIn-like) arising from the photoionized, optically-thick, unshocked circumstellar material (CSM) that surrounded the progenitor star at shock breakout. By the next spectral epoch at +1.5 days, SN 2024ggi showed a rise in ionization as emission lines of He II, C IV, N IV/V and O V became visible. This phenomenon is temporally consistent with a blueward shift in the UV/optical colors, both likely the result of shock breakout in an extended, dense CSM. The IIn-like features in SN 2024ggi persist on a timescale of $t_{\rm IIn} = 3.8 \pm 1.6$ days at which time a reduction in CSM density allows the detection of Doppler broadened features from the fastest SN material. SN 2024ggi has peak UV/optical absolute magnitudes of $M_{\rm w2} = -18.7$ mag and $M_{\rm g} = -18.1$ mag that are consistent with the known population of CSM-interacting SNe II. Comparison of SN 2024ggi with a grid of radiation hydrodynamics and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (nLTE) radiative-transfer simulations suggests a progenitor mass-loss rate of $\dot{M} = 10^{-2}$M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ ($v_w$ = 50 km/s), confined to a distance of $r < 5\times 10^{14}$ cm. Assuming a wind velocity of $v_w$ = 50 km/s, the progenitor star underwent an enhanced mass-loss episode in the last ~3 years before explosion.
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena,Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
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