Non-collapsing, non-inflating and convergence results for solutions to Ricci flow with $L^{p}$ bounded scalar curvature
Jiawei Liu,Miles Simon
Abstract:In this paper we study $n$-dimensional Ricci flows $(M^n,g(t))_{t\in [0,T)},$ where $T< \infty$ is a potentially singular time, and for which the spatial $L^p$ norm, $p>\frac n 2$, of the scalar curvature is uniformly bounded on $[0,T).$
In the case that $M$ is closed, we show that non-collapsing and non-inflating estimates hold. If we further assume that $n=4$ or that $M^n$ is Kähler, we explain how these non-inflating/non-collapsing estimates can be combined with integral bounds on the Ricci and full curvature tensor of the prequel paper <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="2406.02351" href="">arXiv:2406.02351</a> to obtain an improved space time integral bound of the Ricci curvature.
As an application of these estimates, we show that if we further restrict to $n=4$, then the solution convergences to an orbifold as $t \to T$ and that the flow can be extended using the Orbifold Ricci flow to the time interval $ [0,T+\sigma)$ for some $\sigma>0.$
We also prove local versions of many of the results mentioned above.
Differential Geometry,Analysis of PDEs