Abstract:The phase transition between gapped topological phases represents a class of unconventional criticality beyond the Landau paradigm. However, recent research has shifted attention to topological phases without a bulk gap, where the phase transitions between them are still elusive. In this work, based on large-scale density matrix renormalization group techniques, we investigate the critical behaviors of the extended quantum XXZ model obtained by the Kennedy-Tasaki transformation. Using fidelity susceptibility as a diagnostic, we obtain a complete phase diagram, which includes both topological nontrivial and trivial gapless phases. Furthermore, as the XXZ-type anisotropy parameter $\Delta$ varies, both the critical points $h_c$ and correlation length exponent $\nu$ remain the same as in the $\Delta=0$ case, characterized by $c=3/2$ (Ising + free boson) conformal field theory. Our results indicate that fidelity susceptibility can effectively detect and reveal a stable unconventional critical line between the topologically distinct gapless phases for general $\Delta$. This work serves as a valuable reference for further research on phase transitions within the gapless topological phase of matter.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problem does this paper attempt to solve?
This paper aims to explore and reveal the quantum phase transitions (QPT) between gapless topological phases and their critical behaviors. Specifically, the research focuses on the following aspects:
1. **Definition and characteristics of gapless topological phases**:
- Topological phases are usually defined by the bulk energy gap. However, recent research shows that many key features of topological physics (such as degenerate boundary modes) still exist in gapless systems. These new types of topological phases go beyond the traditional Landau paradigm, so the nature of their phase transitions is not yet clear.
2. **Diagnostic tools for quantum phase transitions**:
- The paper uses fidelity susceptibility, a concept originating from quantum information theory, which has been proven to be effective in detecting various types of quantum critical points (QCPs). However, whether fidelity susceptibility can be used to detect quantum phase transitions between gapless topological phases and to determine the critical exponents and universality classes of these QCPs remains an open question.
3. **Study of phase transitions in the XXZ model**:
- By constructing a one - dimensional extended quantum XXZ spin - chain model and combining methods such as string - order parameters and entanglement spectra, the author comprehensively maps out the phase diagram including the intrinsically gapless topological phase (gSPT) and the trivial gapless phase. The research shows that when the XXZ - type anisotropy parameter Δ changes, continuous phase transitions occur between these topologically different gapless phases, and the critical point hcp and the correlation - length exponent ν are the same as in the case of Δ = 0, which are described by the conformal field theory (CFT) with central charge c = 3/2.
4. **Key results**:
- The research finds that fidelity susceptibility can effectively detect and reveal the unconventional critical lines between topologically different gapless phases for general Δ. This indicates that the influence of XXZ - type perturbations on this unconventional QCP is negligible, that is, these phase transitions are robust.
### Summary
Using the large - scale density - matrix renormalization - group (DMRG) technique, this paper studies the quantum phase transitions between gapless topological phases in a one - dimensional extended quantum XXZ spin - chain model. The research results not only reveal the critical behaviors of these phase transitions but also show that fidelity susceptibility is an effective diagnostic tool that can detect and reveal the unconventional critical lines between topologically different gapless phases. This work provides a valuable reference for future research on phase transitions in gapless topological matter.
### Formula summary
- **Fidelity susceptibility**:
\chi_F(h)=\lim_{\delta h\rightarrow0}\frac{2(1 - F(h, h+\delta h))}{(\delta h)^2}
where \(F(h, h+\delta h)=|\langle\psi(h)|\psi(h+\delta h)\rangle|\) is the overlap amplitude of the two ground states.
- **Finite - size scaling relation**:
\chi_F(h\rightarrow h_c(N))\propto N^\mu
N^{-d}\chi_F(h)=N^{(2/\nu)-d}f_{\chi_F}(N^{1/\nu}|h - h_c|)
- **Correlation - length exponent**:
- **Central charge**: