Drinfeld-Lau Descent over Fibered Categories
Valentina Di Proietto,Fabio Tonini,Lei Zhang
Abstract:Let ${\mathcal X}$ be a category fibered in groupoids over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, and let $k$ be an algebraically closed field containing $\mathbb{F}_q$. Denote by $\phi_k\colon {\mathcal X}_k\to {\mathcal X}_k$ the arithmetic Frobenius of ${\mathcal X}_k/k$ and suppose that ${\mathcal M}$ is a stack over $\mathbb{F}_q$ (not necessarily in groupoids). Then there is a natural functor $\alpha_{{\mathcal M},{\mathcal X}}\colon{\mathcal M}({\mathcal X})\to{\mathcal M}({\mathbf D_k}({\mathcal X}))$, where ${\mathcal M}({\mathbf D_k}({\mathcal X}))$ is the category of $\phi_k$-invariant maps ${\mathcal X}_k\to {\mathcal M}$. A version of Drinfeld's lemma states that if ${\mathcal X}$ is a projective scheme and ${\mathcal M}$ is the stack of quasi-coherent sheaves of finite presentation, then $\alpha_{{\mathcal M},{\mathcal X}}$ is an equivalence.
We extend this result in several directions. For proper algebraic stacks or affine gerbes ${\mathcal X}$, we prove Drinfeld's lemma and deduce that $\alpha_{{\mathcal M},{\mathcal X}}$ is an equivalence for very general algebraic stacks ${\mathcal M}$.
For arbitrary ${\mathcal X}$, we show that $\alpha_{{\mathcal M},{\mathcal X}}$ is an equivalence when ${\mathcal M}$ is the stack of immersions, the stack of quasi-compact separated étale morphisms or any quasi-separated Deligne-Mumford stack with separated diagonal.
Algebraic Geometry,Algebraic Topology,Category Theory,Number Theory