Scaling W state circuits in the qudit Clifford hierarchy
Lia Yeh
Abstract:We identify a novel qudit gate which we call the $\sqrt[d]{Z}$ gate. This is an alternate generalization of the qutrit $T$ gate to any odd prime dimension $d$, in the $d^{\text{th}}$ level of the Clifford hierarchy. Using this gate which is efficiently realizable fault-tolerantly should a certain conjecture hold, we deterministically construct in the Clifford+$\sqrt[d]{Z}$ gate set, $d$-qubit $W$ states in the qudit $\{ |0\rangle , |1\rangle \}$ subspace. For qutrits, this gives deterministic and fault-tolerant constructions for the qubit $W$ state of sizes three with $T$ count 3, six, and powers of three.
Furthermore, we adapt these constructions to recursively scale the $W$ state size to arbitrary size $N$, in $O(N)$ gate count and $O(\text{log }N)$ depth. This is moreover deterministic for any size qubit $W$ state, and for any prime $d$-dimensional qudit $W$ state, size a power of $d$.
For these purposes, we devise constructions of the $ |0\rangle $-controlled Pauli $X$ gate and the controlled Hadamard gate in any prime qudit dimension. These decompositions, for which exact synthesis is unknown in Clifford+$T$ for $d > 3$, may be of independent interest.
Quantum Physics,Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing