On the uniform convergence of continuous semigroups
Manuel D. Contreras,Carlos Gómez-Cabello,Luis Rodríguez-Piazza
Abstract:Let $\Omega$ be a region in the complex plane $\mathbb C$ and let $\{\Phi_t \}_{t\ge 0}$ be a continuous semigroup of functions on $\Omega$; that is, $\Phi_t:\Omega\to\Omega$ is holomorphic for every $t\ge 0$, $\Phi_0(z)=z$, for every $z\in\Omega$, $\Phi_t\circ\Phi_s=\Phi_{s+t}$, for every $s$, $t\ge 0$, and \[ \Phi_t(z)\to z\,,\quad t\to0^+, \] uniformly on compact subsets of $\Omega$. Despite this definition only requires the uniform convergence on compact subsets, P. Gumenyuk proved in 2014 that, when $\Omega$ is the unit disc, the convergence is uniform on the whole $\mathbb D$. In this paper, we enhance Gumenyuk's result by proving that for every continuous semigroup $\{\Phi_t\}_{t\ge 0}$ on $\mathbb D$ we have $$ \sup_{z\in\mathbb D}|\Phi_t(z)-z|= O(\sqrt t), \ t\to0^+. $$ In addition, we provide an example showing that $O(\sqrt t)$ is the best possible rate of uniform convergence valid for all semigroups on $\mathbb D$.
Complex Variables,Functional Analysis