Analysis of $\itΛ^\mathrm{0}_b \rightarrow pK^-μ^+μ^-$ decays
LHCb collaboration,R. Aaij,A.S.W. Abdelmotteleb,C. Abellan Beteta,F. Abudinén,T. Ackernley,A. A. Adefisoye,B. Adeva,M. Adinolfi,P. Adlarson,C. Agapopoulou,C.A. Aidala,Z. Ajaltouni,S. Akar,K. Akiba,P. Albicocco,J. Albrecht,F. Alessio,M. Alexander,Z. Aliouche,P. Alvarez Cartelle,R. Amalric,S. Amato,J.L. Amey,Y. Amhis,L. An,L. Anderlini,M. Andersson,A. Andreianov,P. Andreola,M. Andreotti,D. Andreou,A. Anelli,D. Ao,F. Archilli,M. Argenton,S. Arguedas Cuendis,A. Artamonov,M. Artuso,E. Aslanides,R. Ataíde Da Silva,M. Atzeni,B. Audurier,D. Bacher,I. Bachiller Perea,S. Bachmann,M. Bachmayer,J.J. Back,P. Baladron Rodriguez,V. Balagura,W. Baldini,L. Balzani,H. Bao,J. Baptista de Souza Leite,C. Barbero Pretel,M. Barbetti,I. R. Barbosa,R.J. Barlow,M. Barnyakov,S. Barsuk,W. Barter,M. Bartolini,J. Bartz,J.M. Basels,S. Bashir,G. Bassi,B. Batsukh,P. B. Battista,A. Bay,A. Beck,M. Becker,F. Bedeschi,I.B. Bediaga,N. B. Behling,S. Belin,V. Bellee,K. Belous,I. Belov,I. Belyaev,G. Benane,G. Bencivenni,E. Ben-Haim,A. Berezhnoy,R. Bernet,S. Bernet Andres,A. Bertolin,C. Betancourt,F. Betti,J. Bex,Ia. Bezshyiko,J. Bhom,M.S. Bieker,N.V. Biesuz,P. Billoir,A. Biolchini,M. Birch,F.C.R. Bishop,A. Bitadze,A. Bizzeti,T. Blake,et al. (1039 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:The differential branching fraction and angular coefficients of \ensuremath{\it{\Lambda}^\mathrm{0}_b \rightarrow pK^-\mu^+\mu^-}\xspace decays are measured in bins of the dimuon mass squared and dihadron mass. The analysis is performed using a data set corresponding to 9$\aunit{fb}^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity collected with the $\mbox{LHCb}$ detector between 2011 and 2018. The data are consistent with receiving contributions from a mixture of $\it{\Lambda}$ resonances with different spin-parity quantum numbers. The angular coefficients show a pattern of vector--axial vector interference that is a characteristic of the type of flavour-changing neutral-current transition relevant for these decays.
High Energy Physics - Experiment