Achieving quantized transport in Floquet topological insulators via energy filters

Ruoyu Zhang,Frederik Nathan,Netanel H. Lindner,Mark S. Rudner
Abstract:Due to photon-assisted transport processes, chiral edge modes induced by periodic driving do not directly mediate quantized transport. Here we show how narrow bandwidth "energy filters" can restore quantization by suppressing photon assisted transport through Floquet sidebands. We derive a Floquet Landauer type equation to describe transport through such an energy-filtered setup, and show how the filter can be integrated out to yield a sharply energy-dependent renormalized system-lead coupling. We show analytically and through numerical simulations that a nearly quantized conductance can be achieved in both off-resonantly and resonantly induced quasienergy gaps when filters are introduced. The conductance approaches the appropriate quantized value on each plateau with increasing system and filter size. We introduce a "Floquet distribution function" and show both analytically and numerically that it approaches the equilibrium Fermi-Dirac form when narrow-band filters are introduced, highlighting the mechanism that restores quantized transport.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Quantum Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: in Floquet topological insulators under periodic driving, due to the existence of photon - assisted transport processes, the edge modes induced by periodic driving cannot directly achieve quantized transport. Specifically, when the system is periodically driven, the edge modes will broaden into multiple sidebands, and these sidebands couple with different energy states in the non - driven leads, thus destroying the quantized conductance. To solve this problem, the author proposes a method to restore quantized transport by introducing narrow - bandwidth "energy filters". These filters can suppress the photon - assisted transport occurring through Floquet sidebands, making the conductance of the system close to the quantized value \( \frac{e^2}{h} \). The following is a summary of the key points of the paper: 1. **Problem description**: - In periodically - driven topological insulators, due to photon - assisted transport processes, the spectral weight of edge modes is distributed over multiple sidebands. - These sidebands cause the edge modes to couple with different energy states in the non - driven leads, destroying the quantized conductance. 2. **Solution**: - Introduce narrow - bandwidth energy filters to suppress photon - assisted transport. - Derive a Floquet - Landauer - type - like equation to describe the transport characteristics after passing through the energy filter. - Through analysis and numerical simulation, it is proved that after introducing the filter, approximately quantized conductance can be achieved in off - resonance and resonance - induced quasi - energy gaps. 3. **Theoretical derivation**: - Derive a new transport formula that takes into account the influence of energy filters on the system - lead coupling. - Show how to integrate the filter effect into an energy - dependent renormalized system - lead coupling. 4. **Result verification**: - Through analytical and numerical simulations, it is shown that after introducing the filter, the conductance can approach the quantized value, and as the size of the system and the filter increases, the conductance gradually approaches the quantized plateau. - Introduce the "Floquet distribution function" and show that after introducing the narrow - band filter, this distribution function approaches the equilibrium Fermi - Dirac distribution, revealing the mechanism for restoring quantized transport. In summary, this paper successfully solves the problem of the destruction of quantized transport in periodically - driven topological insulators by introducing energy filters, providing new ideas and methods for further research on dynamically - induced topological phenomena.