Sixth-order parabolic equation on an interval: Eigenfunction expansion, Green's function, and intermediate asymptotics for a finite thin film with elastic resistance

Nectarios C. Papanicolaou,Ivan C. Christov
Abstract:A linear sixth-order partial differential equation (PDE) of ``parabolic'' type describes the dynamics of thin liquid films beneath surfaces with elastic bending resistance when deflections from the equilibrium film height are small. On a finite domain, the associated sixth-order Sturm--Liouville eigenvalue value problem is self-adjoint for the boundary conditions corresponding to a thin film in a closed trough, and the eigenfunctions form a complete orthonormal set. Using these eigenfunctions, we derive the Green's function for the governing sixth-order PDE on a finite interval and compare it to the known infinite-line solution. Further, we propose a Galerkin spectral method based on the constructed sixth-order eigenfunctions and their derivative expansions. The system of ordinary differential equations for the time-dependent expansion coefficients is solved by standard numerical methods. The numerical approach is applied to versions of the governing PDE with a second-order derivative (in addition to the sixth-order one), which arises from gravity acting on the film. In the absence of gravity, we demonstrate the self-similar intermediate asymptotics of initially localized disturbances on the film surface, at least until the disturbances ``feel'' the finite boundaries, and show that the derived Green's function is the global attractor for such solutions. In the presence of gravity, we use the proposed spectral numerical method to demonstrate that self-similar behavior persists, albeit for shortened intervals of time, even for large values of the gravity-to-bending ratio.
Numerical Analysis,Fluid Dynamics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: How can the dynamic behavior of a thin liquid film with elastic resistance be described in a finite domain? Specifically, the author focuses on the evolution process of a thin liquid film in a finite closed trough under small perturbations. To study this problem, the author adopts the following methods: 1. **Mathematical Model**: - Use a sixth - order parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) to describe the dynamic behavior of a thin liquid film with elastic bending resistance. The equation is in the form: \[ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}=\frac{h_0^3}{12\mu_f}\left(\rho_f g\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}+B\frac{\partial^6 u}{\partial x^6}\right) \] where \(h_0\) is the equilibrium height of the thin film, \(\mu_f\) and \(\rho_f\) are the viscosity and density of the liquid respectively, and \(B\) is the bending stiffness of the interface. 2. **Boundary Conditions**: - Select appropriate boundary conditions to ensure that the thin film maintains a 90° contact angle at the edge of the trough and has no lateral fluid flux. These boundary conditions make the equation a self - conjugate sixth - order Sturm - Liouville eigenvalue problem, and the corresponding eigenfunctions form a complete orthogonal set. 3. **Green's Function and Eigenfunction Expansion**: - Use the eigenfunction expansion method to derive the Green's function on a finite interval and compare it with the known infinite linear solution. - Propose a Galerkin spectral method based on the expansion of sixth - order eigenfunctions and their derivatives, transform the time - dependent expansion coefficients into a system of ordinary differential equations, and solve them using standard numerical methods. 4. **Intermediate Asymptotic Behavior**: - Study the self - similar intermediate asymptotic behavior of the initial local perturbation before the influence of the finite boundary, and show that the derived Green's function is the global attractor of such solutions. - In the presence of gravity, use the proposed spectral numerical method to prove that the self - similar behavior still exists, although for a shorter duration, even for a large gravity - bending ratio. Through the above methods, the author aims to reveal the dynamic behavior and self - similar characteristics of a thin liquid film with elastic resistance in a finite domain under different conditions, especially the differences between the cases with and without gravity. This not only helps to understand the physical phenomena in microfluidic applications but also provides new insights for theoretical research in related fields.