The EMC Effect of Tritium and Helium-3 from the JLab MARATHON Experiment
D. Abrams,H. Albataineh,B. S. Aljawrneh,S. Alsalmi,D. Androic,K. Aniol,W. Armstrong,J. Arrington,H. Atac,T. Averett,C. Ayerbe Gayoso,X. Bai,J. Bane,S. Barcus,A. Beck,V. Bellini,H. Bhatt,D. Bhetuwal,D. Biswas,D. Blyth,W. Boeglin,D. Bulumulla,J. Butler,A. Camsonne,M. Carmignotto,J. Castellanos,J.-P. Chen,I. C. Cloët,E. O. Cohen,S. Covrig,K. Craycraft,R. Cruz-Torres,B. Dongwi,B. Duran,D. Dutta,N. Fomin,E. Fuchey,C. Gal,T. N. Gautam,S. Gilad,K. Gnanvo,T. Gogami,J. Gomez,C. Gu,A. Habarakada,T. Hague,J.-O. Hansen,M. Hattawy,F. Hauenstein,D. W. Higinbotham,R. J. Holt,E. W. Hughes,C. Hyde,H. Ibrahim,S. Jian,S. Joosten,A. Karki,B. Karki,A. T. Katramatou,C. Keith,C. Keppel,M. Khachatryan,V. Khachatryan,A. Khanal,A. Kievsky,D. King,P. M. King,I. Korover,S. A. Kulagin,K. S. Kumar,T. Kutz,N. Lashley-Colthirst,S. Li,W. Li,H. Liu,S. Liuti,N. Liyanage,P. Markowitz,R. E. McClellan,D. Meekins,S. Mey-Tal Beck,Z.-E. Meziani,R. Michaels,M. Mihovilovic,V. Nelyubin,D. Nguyen,Nuruzzaman,M. Nycz,R. Obrecht,M. Olson,V. F. Owen,E. Pace,B. Pandey,V. Pandey,M. Paolone,A. Papadopoulou,S. Park,S. Paul,G. G. Petratos,R. Petti,et al. (34 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:Measurements of the EMC effect in the tritium and helium-3 mirror nuclei are reported. The data were obtained by the MARATHON Jefferson Lab experiment, which performed deep inelastic electron scattering from deuterium and the three-body nuclei, using a cryogenic gas target system and the High Resolution Spectrometers of the Hall A Facility of the Lab. The data cover the Bjorken $x$ range from 0.20 to 0.83, corresponding to a squared four-momentum transfer $Q^2$ range from 2.7 to $11.9\gevsq$, and to an invariant mass $W$ of the final hadronic state greater than 1.84 GeV/${\it c}^2$. The tritium EMC effect measurement is the first of its kind. The MARATHON experimental results are compared to results from previous measurements by DESY-HERMES and JLab-Hall C experiments, as well as with few-body theoretical predictions.
Nuclear Experiment