Large deviations of fully local monotone stochastic partial differential
equations driven by gradient-dependent noise
Tianyi Pan,Shijie Shang,Jianliang Zhai,Tusheng Zhang
Abstract:Consider stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) with fully local
monotone coefficients in a Gelfand triple V⊆ H⊆ V^*
dX_t=A(t,X_t)dt+B(t,X_t)dW_t, t∈ (0,T]
X_0=x∈ H,
A: [0,T] × V→ V^*, B:[0,T]× V→ L_2(U,H)
are measurable maps, L_2(U,H) is the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators from
U to H and W is a U-cylindrical Wiener process.In this paper, we establish a small noise large deviation principle(LDP) for
the solutions u^ε_ε>0 of the above SPDEs.
The main contribution of this paper is the much more generality of our
framework than that of the existing results. In particular, the diffusion
coefficient B(t,·) may depend on the gradient of the solutions, which is
of great interest in the field of SPDEs, but there are few existing results on
the topic of LDP. The broader scope of the fully local monotone setting leads
us to use different strategies and techniques. A combination of the
pseudomonotone technique and compactness arguement plays a crucial role in the
whole paper.
Our framework is very general to include many interesting models that could
not be covered by existing work, including stochastic quasilinear SPDEs,
stochastic convection diffusion equation, stochastic 2D Liquid crystal
equation, stochastic p-Laplace equation with gradient-dependent noise,
stochastic 2D Navier-Stokes equation with gradient-dependent noise etc.