Quantitative stratification and sharp regularity estimates for supercritical semilinear elliptic equations
Haotong Fu,Wei Wang,Zhifei Zhang
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the interior regularity theory for stationary solutions of the supercritical nonlinear elliptic equation -Δ u=|u|^p-1u in Ω, p>n+2/n-2, where Ω⊂ℝ^n is a bounded domain with n≥ 3. Our primary focus is on the structure of stratification for the singular sets. We define the k-th stratification S^k(u) of u based on the tangent functions and measures. We show that the Hausdorff dimension of S^k(u) is at most k and S^k(u) is k-rectifiable, and establish estimates for volumes associated with points that have lower bounds on the regular scales. These estimates enable us to derive sharp interior estimates for the solutions. Specifically, if α_p=2(p+1)/p-1 is not an integer, then for any j∈ℤ_≥ 0, we have D^ju∈ L_loc^q_j,∞(Ω), which implies that for any Ω'⊂⊂Ω, sup{λ>0:λ^q_jℒ^n({x∈Ω':|D^ju(x)|>λ})}<+∞, where ℒ^n(·) is the n-dimensional Lebesgue measure, and q_j=(p-1)(⌊α_p⌋+1)/2+j(p-1), with ⌊α_p⌋ being the integer part of α_p. The proofs of these results rely on Reifenberg-type theorems developed by A. Naber and D. Valtorta to study the stratification of harmonic maps.