CPT-Odd effects on magnetic dipole moments in the Standard Model Extension
J. S. Hurtado-Silva,J. J. Toscano,O. Vázquez-Hernández
Abstract:The impact of the CPT-Odd electroweak gauge sector of the Standard Model Extension on the magnetic dipole moment of charged leptons is studied. This gauge sector is characterized by the $(k_1)_\mu$ and $(k_2)_\mu$ Lorentz coefficients, which have positive mass dimension because they are associated with a $U_Y(1)$-invariant and with an $SU_L(2)$-invariant dimension-three operators, respectively. We present a comprehensive study up to second order in these Lorentz coefficients, both at the tree and one-loop levels. We find that the first-order contributions in the Lorentz coefficients at the tree and one-loop levels depend on energy, while second-order ones at the tree-level do not. As for second-order one-loop effects, there are both energy-dependent and energy-independent contributions, but we have focused only on those of the latter type. We find that the contribution to the dipole associated with the electron is by far the dominant one, as it can be up to fourteen and sixteen orders of magnitude greater than that of the muon and that of the tau, respectively. The Lorentz coefficient $(k_{AF})_\mu$ of the Carroll-Field-Jackiw's QED is given by a linear combination of the $(k_1)_\mu$ and $(k_2)_\mu$ vectors. Assuming that $|k^2_1|, |k^2_2|\gg |k^2_{AF}|$ and taking $(k_{AF})_\mu=0$, which implies that $(k_1)_\mu$ and $(k_2)_\mu$ are collinear, we obtain an upper bound of $\left|-(3.49\times 10^{-4})\frac{(k_2)_0}{m_e}+\frac{k^2_2}{m_e^2}\right|<3.27\times 10^{-19}$. The fact that $k^2_2$ is an observer Lorentz invariant allows us to introduce a new-physics scale through $\sqrt{k^2_2}=\Lambda_{CPT}$ and also to consider the possibility of a light-like vector $k^2_2=0$. In the first case, second-order effects lead to the upper bound $\Lambda_{CPT}<5.74\times 10^{-10}\, m_e$, while in the latter case, the first-order contribution leads to $(k_2)_0=\left|\mathbf{k_2}\right|<10^{-15}\, m_e$.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology