Doodles and blobs on a lined page: convex quasi-envelops of traversing flows on surfaces
Gabriel Katz
Abstract:Let $A$ denote the cylinder $\mathbb R \times S^1$ or the band $\mathbb R \times I$, where $I$ stands for the closed interval. We consider $2$-{\sf moderate immersions} of closed curves (``{\sf doodles}") and compact surfaces (``{\sf blobs}") in $A$, up to cobordisms that also are $2$-moderate immersions in $A \times [0, 1]$ of surfaces and solids. By definition, the $2$-moderate immersions of curves and surfaces do not have tangencies of order $\geq 3$ to the fibers of the obvious projections $A \to S^1$,\; $A \times [0, 1] \to S^1 \times [0, 1]$ or $A \to I$,\; $A \times [0, 1] \to I \times [0, 1]$. These bordisms come in different flavors: in particular, we consider one flavor based on {\sf regular embeddings} of doodles and blobs in $A$. We compute the bordisms of regular embeddings and construct many invariants that distinguish between the bordisms of immersions and embeddings. In the case of oriented doodles on $A= \mathbb R \times I$, our computations of $2$-moderate immersion bordisms $\mathbf{OC}^{\mathsf{imm}}_{\mathsf{moderate \leq 2}}(A)$ are near complete: we show that they can be described by an exact sequence of abelian groups $$0 \to \mathbf K \to \mathbf{OC}^{\mathsf{imm}}_{\mathsf{moderate \leq 2}}(A)\big/\mathbf{OC}^{\mathsf{emb}}_{\mathsf{moderate \leq 2}}(A) \stackrel{\mathcal I \rho}{\longrightarrow} \mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z \to 0,$$ where $\mathbf{OC}^{\mathsf{emb}}_{\mathsf{moderate \leq 2}}(A) \approx \mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z$, the epimorphism $\mathcal I \rho$ counts different types of crossings of immersed doodles, and the kernel $\mathbf K$ contains the group $(\mathbb Z)^\infty$ whose generators are described explicitly.
Geometric Topology,Algebraic Topology