Hyperuniformity in phase ordering: the roles of activity, noise, and non-constant mobility
Filippo De Luca,Xiao Ma,Cesare Nardini,Michael E. Cates
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/ad5b45
Abstract:Hyperuniformity emerges generically in the coarsening regime of phase-separating fluids. Numerical studies of active and passive systems have shown that the structure factor $S(q)$ behaves as $q^\varsigma$ for $q\to 0$, with hyperuniformity exponent $\varsigma = 4$. For passive systems, this result was explained in 1991 by a qualitative scaling analysis of Tomita, exploiting isotropy at scales much larger than the coarsening length $\ell$. Here we reconsider and extend Tomita's argument to address cases of active phase separation and of non-constant mobility, again finding $\varsigma=4$. We further show that dynamical noise of variance $D$ creates a transient $\varsigma = 2$ regime for $\hat q\ll \hat{q}_\ast \sim \sqrt{D} t^{[1-(d+2)\nu]/2}$, crossing over to $\varsigma = 4$ at larger $\hat{q}$. Here, $\nu$ is the coarsening exponent, with $\ell\sim t^\nu$, and $\hat{q} \propto q \ell$ is the rescaled wavenumber. In diffusive coarsening, $\nu=1/3$, so the rescaled crossover wavevector $\hat{q}_\ast$ vanishes at large times when $d\geq 2$. The slowness of this decay suggests a natural explanation for experiments that observe a long-lived $\varsigma = 2$ scaling in phase-separating active fluids (where noise is typically large). Conversely, in $d=1$, we demonstrate that with noise the $\varsigma = 2$ regime survives as $t\to\infty$, with $\hat{q}_\ast\sim D^{5/6}$. (The structure factor is not then determined by the zero-temperature fixed point.) We confirm our analytical predictions by numerical simulations of active and passive continuum theories in the deterministic case and of Model B for the stochastic case. We also compare them with related findings for a system near an absorbing-state transition rather than undergoing phase separation. A central role is played throughout by the presence or absence of a conservation law for the centre of mass position of the order parameter field.
Soft Condensed Matter,Statistical Mechanics