Random Linear Systems with Quadratic Constraints: from Random Matrix Theory to replicas and back

Pierpaolo Vivo
Abstract:I present here a pedagogical introduction to the works by Rashel Tublin and Yan V. Fyodorov on random linear systems with quadratic constraints, using tools from Random Matrix Theory and replicas. These notes illustrate and complement the material presented at the Summer School organised within the Puglia Summer Trimester 2023 in Bari (Italy). Consider a system of $M$ linear equations in $N$ unknowns, $\sum_{j=1}^N A_{kj}x_j=b_k$ for $k=1,\ldots,M$, subject to the constraint that the solutions live on the $N$-sphere, $x_1^2+\ldots + x_N^2=N$. Assume that both the coefficients $A_{ij}$ and the parameters $b_i$ be independent Gaussian random variables with zero mean. Using two different approaches -- based on Random Matrix Theory and on a replica calculation -- it is possible to compute whether a large linear system subject to a quadratic constraint is typically solvable or not, as a function of the ratio $\alpha=M/N$ and the variance $\sigma^2$ of the $b_i$'s. This is done by defining a quadratic loss function $H({\bf x})=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=1}^M\left[\sum_{j=1}^NA_{kj} x_j-b_k\right]^2$ and computing the statistics of its minimal value on the sphere, $E_{min}=\min_{||\bf x||^2=N}H({\bf x})$, which is zero if the system is compatible, and larger than zero if it is incompatible. One finds that there exists a compatibility threshold $0<\alpha_c<1$, such that systems with $\alpha>\alpha_c$ are typically incompatible. This means that even weakly under-complete linear systems could become typically incompatible if forced to additionally obey a quadratic constraint.
Statistical Mechanics,Mathematical Physics
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