A Palm hierarchy for determinantal point processes with the confluent hypergeometric kernel, the decomposing measures in the problem of harmonic analysis on the infinite-dimensional unitary group

Alexander I. Bufetov
Abstract:The main result of this note is that the shift of the parameter by 1 in the parameter space of decomposing measures in the problem of harmonic analysis on the infinite-dimensional unitary group corresponds to the taking of the reduced Palm measure at infinity for our decomposing measures. The proof proceeds by finite-dimensional approximation of our measures by orthogonal polynomial ensembles. The key remark is that the taking the reduced Palm measure commutes with the scaling limit transition from finite to infinite particle systems.
Probability,Mathematical Physics,Classical Analysis and ODEs,Functional Analysis
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is that in the harmonic analysis on the infinite - dimensional unitary group, the parameter translation \(s\rightarrow s + 1\) in the parameter space corresponds to the transformation of the reduced Palm measure at infinity. Specifically, the goal of the paper is to establish the connection between the decomposition measures corresponding to the parameters \(s\) and \(s + 1\), and prove that this transformation has a clear probabilistic interpretation: the decomposition measure corresponding to the parameter \(s + 1\) is the Palm measure at infinity of the decomposition measure corresponding to the parameter \(s\). ### Main Results The main result of the paper is to prove that in the harmonic analysis problem on the infinite - dimensional unitary group \(U(\infty)\), the translation \(s\rightarrow s + 1\) of the parameter \(s\) corresponds to the reduced Palm measure at infinity. Specifically, for the decomposition measures \(P^{(s)}\) and \(P^{(s + 1)}\) corresponding to the parameters \(s\) and \(s+1\), we have: \[P^{(s + 1)}=(P^{(s)})_{\infty}\] where \((P^{(s)})_{\infty}\) represents the reduced Palm measure at infinity. ### Proof Methods The proof is based on the following points: 1. **Borodin - Olshanski Theorem**: This theorem links the decomposition measure corresponding to the parameter \(s\) to the determinantal point process controlled by the confluent hypergeometric kernel. 2. **Finite - Dimensional Approximation**: Approximate these measures by the finite - dimensional approximation of the orthogonal polynomial ensemble. 3. **Properties of Palm Measures**: Prove that the scaling limit transformation from the finite - to the infinite - particle system commutes with the operation of taking Palm measures. ### Formulas - **Confluent Hypergeometric Kernel**: \[ K^{(s)}(x,y)=c_s\cdot\frac{P_s(x)Q_s(y)-P_s(y)Q_s(x)}{x - y} \] where: \[ P_s(x)=\left|\frac{2}{x}\right|^{\Re(s)}\cdot e^{-i/x+\pi\Im(s)\cdot\text{sgn}(x)/2}\cdot{}_1F_1\left[\frac{s}{2\Re(s)}+ 1\bigg|\frac{2i}{x}\right] \] \[ Q_s(x)=\frac{2}{x}\cdot\left|\frac{2}{x}\right|^{\Re(s)}\cdot e^{-i/x+\pi\Im(s)\cdot\text{sgn}(x)/2}\cdot{}_1F_1\left[\frac{s}{2\Re(s)}+ 2\bigg|\frac{2i}{x}\right] \] \[ c_s=\frac{1}{2\pi\Gamma\left(\frac{s + 1,\bar{s}+1}{2\Re(s)+1,\Re(s)+2}\right)} \] - **Palm Kernel**: \[ \Pi_p(x,y)=\rho(x)\rho(y)\frac{A_p(x)B_p(y)-A_p(y)B_p(x)}{x - y} \] where: \[ A_p(x)=A(x)+A(p)\frac{\Pi(p,x)}{\Pi(p,p)},\quad B_p(x)=B(x)+B(p)\frac{\Pi(p,x)}{\Pi(p,p)} \] ### Conclusion The paper proves the translation \(s\rightarrow s + 1\) of the parameter \(s\) by the above methods.