On the existence of analytic families of G-stable lattices and their reductions

Emiliano Torti
Abstract:In this article, we prove the existence of rigid analytic families of $G$-stable lattices with locally constant reductions inside families of representations of a topologically compact group $G$, extending a result of Hellman obtained in the semi-simple residual case. Implementing this generalization in the context of Galois representations, we prove a local constancy result for reductions modulo prime powers of trianguline representations of generic dimension $d$. Moreover, we present two explicit applications. First, in dimension two, we extend to a prime power setting and to the whole rigid projective line a recent result of Bergdall, Levin and Liu concerning reductions of semi-stable representations of $\text{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}_p / \mathbb{Q}_p)$ with fixed Hodge-Tate weights and large $\mathcal{L}$-invariant. Second, in dimension $d$, let $V_n$ be a sequence of crystalline representations converging in a certain geometric sense to a crystalline representation $V$. We show that for any refined version $(V, \sigma)$ of $V$ (or equivalently for any chosen triangulation of its attached $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-module $D_{\text{rig}} (V)$ over the Robba ring), there exists a sequence of refinement $\sigma_n$ of each of the $V_n$ such that the limit as refined representations $(V_n , \sigma_n )$ converges to the $(V, \sigma)$. This result does not hold under the weaker assumption that $V_n$ converges only uniformly $p$-adically to $V$ (in the sense of Chenevier, Khare and Larsen).
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problems does this paper attempt to solve? This paper is mainly devoted to proving the local constancy property of the reduction of certain representations in any dimension \(d\). Specifically, the author attempts to solve the following problems: 1. **Extending existing results**: The paper aims to generalize Hellman's results obtained in the semi - simple residue case to a broader context. Hellman's results are only applicable to specific types of representations (such as the semi - simple residue case), while this paper hopes to prove similar results in a broader framework (including the case of modulo prime - power). 2. **Local constancy property modulo prime - power**: The article studies whether the reduction modulo prime - power has the local constancy property. This is more challenging than the traditional reduction modulo \(p\) because it requires precise control of the involved lattices, and this condition is no longer an equivalence relation (i.e., it is not transitive). 3. **Applications of trianguline representations**: By introducing the concept of trianguline representations proposed by Colmez, the author explores the applications of these representations in rigid - analytic families and proves the related local constancy properties. In particular, in the two - dimensional case, the author generalizes the results of Bergdall, Levin and Liu to the case of modulo prime - power and the entire projective line. 4. **Convergence of crystalline representations**: The paper also studies the properties when a sequence of crystalline representations converges geometrically. Specifically, the author considers the case where a sequence of crystalline representations \(V_n\) converges to a crystalline representation \(V\), and proves that in this case, for any refined version \((V,\sigma)\), there exists a refined version \(\sigma_n\) of each \(V_n\) such that the limit \((V_n,\sigma_n)\) of the refined representations converges to \((V,\sigma)\). 5. **Symmetry of high - dimensional crystalline representations**: Finally, the author explores the symmetry problem of high - dimensional crystalline representations, especially regarding the position changes of these representations in the trianguline variety. The author proves that when two crystalline representations are geometrically the same in the sense of modulo prime - power, their corresponding trianguline structures also have similar local constancy properties. ### Specific content - **Local constancy property modulo prime - power**: The paper first defines the local constancy property modulo prime - power and proves that on the rigid - analytic space, the integral sub - family \(T\) is locally constant in the sense of modulo \(p^n\). - **Applications of trianguline representations**: By introducing the concept of trianguline representations, the author proves that in the two - dimensional case, the results of Bergdall, Levin and Liu can be generalized to the case of modulo prime - power and the entire projective line. Specifically, for fixed parameters \(k\) and \(L\), the author proves that under certain conditions, the reduction \(V_{k,L}^{\text{ss}}\) does not depend on the parameter \(L\) and gives specific congruence conditions. - **Convergence of crystalline representations**: The paper studies the case where a sequence of crystalline representations \(V_n\) converges to a crystalline representation \(V\), and proves that in this case, for any refined version \((V,\sigma)\), there exists a refined version \(\sigma_n\) of each \(V_n\) such that the limit \((V_n,\sigma_n)\) of the refined representations converges to \((V,\sigma)\). - **Symmetry of high - dimensional crystalline representations**: The author explores the symmetry problem of high - dimensional crystalline representations, especially regarding the position changes of these representations in the trianguline variety. The author proves that when two crystalline representations are geometrically the same in the sense of modulo prime - power, their corresponding trianguline structures also have similar local constancy properties. ### Conclusion In general, this paper successfully generalizes the existing results of local constancy properties to a broader context, especially in the cases of modulo prime - power and high - dimensional representations, by introducing new methods and techniques. These results not only enrich our understanding of Galois representations but also provide new tools and perspectives for further research.