The Holonomy Inverse Problem
Mihajlo Cekić,Thibault Lefeuvre
Abstract:Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth Anosov Riemannian manifold and $\mathcal{C}^\sharp$ the set of its primitive closed geodesics. Given a Hermitian vector bundle $\mathcal{E}$ equipped with a unitary connection $\nabla^{\mathcal{E}}$, we define $\mathcal{T}^\sharp(\mathcal{E}, \nabla^{\mathcal{E}})$ as the sequence of traces of holonomies of $\nabla^{\mathcal{E}}$ along elements of $\mathcal{C}^\sharp$. This descends to a homomorphism on the additive moduli space $\mathbb{A}$ of connections up to gauge $\mathcal{T}^\sharp: (\mathbb{A}, \oplus) \to \ell^\infty(\mathcal{C}^\sharp)$, which we call the $\textit{primitive trace map}$. It is the restriction of the well-known $\textit{Wilson loop}$ operator to primitive closed geodesics.
The main theorem of this paper shows that the primitive trace map $\mathcal{T}^\sharp$ is locally injective near generic points of $\mathbb{A}$ when $\dim(M) \geq 3$. We obtain global results in some particular cases: flat bundles, direct sums of line bundles, and general bundles in negative curvature under a spectral assumption which is satisfied in particular for connections with small curvature. As a consequence of the main theorem, we also derive a spectral rigidity result for the connection Laplacian.
The proofs are based on two new ingredients: a Livšic-type theorem in hyperbolic dynamical systems showing that the cohomology class of a unitary cocycle is determined by its trace along closed primitive orbits, and a theorem relating the local geometry of $\mathbb{A}$ with the Pollicott-Ruelle resonance near zero of a certain natural transport operator.
Dynamical Systems,Mathematical Physics,Analysis of PDEs,Differential Geometry,Spectral Theory