Towards a characterization of toric hyperkähler varieties among symplectic singularities
Yoshinori Namikawa
Abstract:Let $(X, \omega)$ be a conical symplectic variety of dimension $2n$ which has a projective symplectic resolution. Assume that $X$ admits an effective Hamiltonian action of an $n$-dimensional algebraic torus $T^n$, compatible with the conical $\mathbf{C}^*$-action. A typical example of $X$ is a toric hyperkahler variety $Y(A,0)$.
In this article, we prove that this property characterizes $Y(A,0)$ with $A$ unimodular. More precisely, if $(X, \omega)$ is such a conical symplectic variety, then there is a $T^n$-equivariant (complex analytic) isomorphism $\varphi: (X, \omega) \to (Y(A,0), \omega_{Y(A,0)})$ under which both moment maps are identified. Moreover $\varphi$ sends the center $0_X$ of $X$ to the center $0_{Y(A,0)}$ of $Y(A,0)$.
Algebraic Geometry