Cops and robbers pebbling in graphs
Nancy Clarke,Joshua Forkin,Glenn Hurlbert
Abstract:Here we merge the two fields of Cops and Robbers and Graph Pebbling to introduce the new topic of Cops and Robbers Pebbling. Both paradigms can be described by moving tokens (the cops) along the edges of a graph to capture a special token (the robber). In Cops and Robbers, all tokens move freely, whereas, in Graph Pebbling, some of the chasing tokens disappear with movement while the robber is stationary. In Cops and Robbers Pebbling, some of the chasing tokens (cops) disappear with movement, while the robber moves freely. We define the cop pebbling number of a graph to be the minimum number of cops necessary to capture the robber in this context, and present upper and lower bounds and exact values, some involving various domination parameters, for an array of graph classes, including paths, cycles, trees, chordal graphs, high girth graphs, and cop-win graphs, as well as graph products. Furthermore we show that the analogous inequality for Graham's Pebbling Conjecture fails for cop pebbling and posit a conjecture along the lines of Meyniel's Cops and Robbers Conjecture that may hold for cop pebbling. We also offer several new problems.
Combinatorics,Discrete Mathematics