On Computing Optimal Temporal Branchings and Spanning Subgraphs

Daniela Bubboloni,Costanza Catalano,Andrea Marino,Ana Silva
Abstract:In this work we extend the concept of out/in-branchings spanning the vertices of a digraph (also called directed spanning trees) to temporal graphs, which are digraphs where arcs are available only at prescribed times. While the literature has focused on minimum weight/earliest arrival time Temporal Out-Branchings (TOB), we solve the problem for other optimization criteria. In particular, we define five different types of TOBs based on the optimization of the travel duration (FT-TOB), of the departure time (LD-TOB), of the number of transfers (MT-TOB), of the total waiting time (MW-TOB), and of the travelling time (ST-TOB). For D$\in \{$LD,MT,ST$\}$, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a spanning D-TOB; when it does not exist, we characterize the maximum vertex set that a D-TOB can span. Moreover, we provide a log linear algorithm for computing such branchings. For D$\in \{$FT,MW$\}$, we prove that deciding the existence of a spanning D-TOB is NP-complete; we also show that the same results hold for optimal temporal in-branchings. Finally, we investigate the related problem of computing a spanning temporal subgraph with the minimum number of arcs and optimizing a chosen criterion D. This problem turns out to be NP-hard for any D. The hardness results are quite surprising, as computing optimal paths between nodes can always be done in polynomial time.
Data Structures and Algorithms,Discrete Mathematics
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