Twisted holography on AdS$_3 \times S^3 \times K3 $ & the planar chiral algebra
Víctor E. Fernández,Natalie M. Paquette,Brian R. Williams
Abstract:In this work, we revisit and elaborate on twisted holography for AdS$_3 \times S^3 \times X$ with $X= T^4$, K3, with a particular focus on K3. We describe the twist of supergravity, identify the corresponding (generalization of) BCOV theory, and enumerate twisted supergravity states. We use this knowledge, and the technique of Koszul duality, to obtain the $N \rightarrow \infty$, or planar, limit of the chiral algebra of the dual CFT. The resulting symmetries are strong enough to fix planar 2 and 3-point functions in the twisted theory or, equivalently, in a 1/4-BPS subsector of the original duality. This technique can in principle be used to compute corrections to the chiral algebra perturbatively in $1/N$.
High Energy Physics - Theory