The $S$-relative Pólya groups and $S$-Ostrowski quotients of number fields

Ehsan Shahoseini,Abbas Maarefparvar
Abstract:Let $K/F$ be a finite extension of number fields and $S$ be a finite set of primes of $F$, including all the archimedean ones. In this paper, using some results of González-Avilés \cite{Aviles}, we generalize the notions of the relative Pólya group $\Po(K/F)$ \cite{ChabertI,MR2} and the Ostrowski quotient $\Ost(K/F)$ \cite{SRM} to their $S$-versions. Using this approach, we obtain generalizations of some well-known results on the $S$-capitulation map, including an $S$-version of Hilbert's theorem 94.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to generalize the concepts of relative Pólya groups and Ostrowski quotients to the S - versions in the finite extensions of number fields. Specifically, the author hopes: 1. **Introduce S - relative Pólya groups**: For a finite extension \(K/F\) of a number field and a finite set \(S\) of prime numbers that contains all Archimedean primes, define the S - relative Pólya group \(\text{Po}(K/F)_S\) and study its properties. 2. **Introduce S - Ostrowski quotients**: Similarly, define the S - Ostrowski quotient \(\text{Ost}(K/F)_S\) and explore its relationship with the S - relative Pólya group. 3. **Generalize known results**: Using these new definitions, generalize some existing results about the S - capitulation map, including the S - version of Hilbert's Theorem 94. ### Specific problem description The core problem of the paper is to better understand and handle some algebraic structures and properties in number field extensions, especially those related to ideal class groups, the capitulation phenomenon, and the influence of ramification, by introducing S - relative Pólya groups and S - Ostrowski quotients. ### Main contributions - **Define new mathematical objects**: S - relative Pólya groups and S - Ostrowski quotients. - **Establish new exact sequences**: Such as the S - BRZ exact sequence, which provides new tools for studying number field extensions. - **Generalize classical results**: For example, generalize the results of Iwasawa - Khare - Prasad, Iwasawa's results, Tannaka's results, and Hilbert's Theorem 94. ### Related formulas - **S - relative Pólya group**: \[ \text{Po}(K/F)_S:=\left\langle\left[\Pi_{p^f}(K/F)\right]:p\in P_F\setminus S,f\in\mathbb{N}\right\rangle \] - **S - Ostrowski quotient**: \[ \text{Ost}(K/F)_S:=\frac{\text{Po}(K/F)_S}{\text{Po}(K/F)_S\cap\epsilon_{K/F,S}(\text{Cl}(F)_S)} \] - **S - BRZ exact sequence**: \[ 0\to\ker(\epsilon_{K/F,S})\to H^1(G,U_{K,S})\xrightarrow{\theta_{K/F,S}}\bigoplus_{p\in R_{K/F}\setminus S}\mathbb{Z}/e_p(K/F)\mathbb{Z}\to\text{Ost}(K/F)_S\to0 \] These definitions and formulas provide new perspectives and tools for understanding the complex structures in number field extensions.