Lusin and Suslin properties of function spaces
Taras Banakh,Leijie Wang
Abstract:Abstract A topological space is Suslin ( Lusin ) if it is a continuous (and bijective) image of a Polish space. For a Tychonoff space X let $$C_p(X)$$ C p ( X ) , $$C_k(X)$$ C k ( X ) and $$C_{{\downarrow }{\mathsf {F}}}(X)$$ C ↓ F ( X ) be the space of continuous real-valued functions on X , endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence, the compact-open topology, and the Fell hypograph topology, respectively. For a metrizable space X we prove the equivalence of the following statements: (1) X is $$\sigma $$ σ -compact, (2) $$C_p(X)$$ C p ( X ) is Suslin, (3) $$C_k(X)$$ C k ( X ) is Suslin, (4) $$C_{{\downarrow }{\mathsf {F}}}(X)$$ C ↓ F ( X ) is Suslin, (5) $$C_p(X)$$ C p ( X ) is Lusin, (6) $$C_k(X)$$ C k ( X ) is Lusin, (7) $$C_{{\downarrow }{\mathsf {F}}}(X)$$ C ↓ F ( X ) is Lusin, (8) $$C_p(X)$$ C p ( X ) is $$F_\sigma $$ F σ -Lusin, (9) $$C_k(X)$$ C k ( X ) is $$F_\sigma $$ F σ -Lusin, (10) $$C_{{\downarrow }{\mathsf {F}}}(X)$$ C ↓ F ( X ) is $$C_{\delta \sigma }$$ C δ σ -Lusin. Also we construct an example of a sequential $$\aleph _0$$ א 0 -space X with a unique non-isolated point such that the function spaces $$C_p(X)$$ C p ( X ) , $$C_k(X)$$ C k ( X ) and $$C_{{\downarrow }{\mathsf {F}}}(X)$$ C ↓ F ( X ) are non-Suslin.