On p-divisibility of Fourier coefficients of Hermitian modular forms

Shoyu Nagaoka
Abstract:We describe the $p$-divisibility transposition for the Fourier coefficients of Hermitian modular forms. The results show that the same phenomenon as that for Siegel modular forms holds for Hermitian modular forms.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to explore the p - divisibility phenomenon of the Fourier coefficients of Hermitian modular forms. Specifically, the author hopes to prove that for Hermitian modular forms, the variation law of the p - divisibility of their Fourier coefficients is similar to that of Siegel modular forms. ### Research Background In previous research, the author has studied how the p - divisibility of the Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms changes with the degree. For example, in the Fourier expansion of a given Siegel modular form \( F \): \[ F(Z) = \sum a(F, T) q^T \] where \( a(F, T) \) is a p - integer. The following p - divisibility transfer phenomena are observed: 1. All \( a(F, T(n)) \) for \( T(n)>0 \) are divisible by \( p \). 2. Most \( a(\Phi(F), T(n - 1)) \) for \( T(n - 1)>0 \) are divisible by \( p \). 3. Certain special \( a(\Phi^2(F), T(n - 2)) \) for \( T(n - 2)>0 \) are divisible by \( p \). Here \( \Phi \) is the Siegel operator. This phenomenon is especially applicable to the Ramanujan τ - function. ### Main Results The main result of this paper is to prove that a similar p - divisibility phenomenon also applies to Hermitian modular forms. Specifically, assume that \( K \) is an imaginary quadratic field and consider the modular form \( G(Z) \) on the Hermitian modular group \( \Gamma(m)_K \), whose Fourier expansion is: \[ G(Z) = \sum_{0 \leq H \in \Lambda_m(\mathcal{O}_K)} a(G, H) q^H \] The main theorem is as follows: **Theorem**: Assume that \( m\equiv 2\pmod{4} \) and \( p \) is a prime number satisfying \( p > m + 3 \) and \( D_K\not\equiv 0\pmod{p} \) (\( D_K \) is the discriminant of \( K \)). We set \( k = m + p - 1 \). Then there exist Hermitian modular forms \( G^{(m + 1)}_k \) and \( G^{(m)}_k \), whose weights are \( k \) respectively, and the degrees are \( m + 1 \) and \( m \) respectively, and satisfy \( \Phi(G^{(m + 1)}_k)=G^{(m)}_k \), and at the same time have the following properties: - \( H-(I)_p \): For all \( H^{(m + 1)}>0 \), we have \( a(G^{(m + 1)}_k, H^{(m + 1)})\equiv 0\pmod{p} \). - \( H-(II)_p \): For all \( H^{(m)}>0 \) and \( \det(H^{(m)})\not\equiv 0\pmod{p} \), we have \( a(G^{(m)}_k, H^{(m)})\equiv 0\pmod{p} \). ### Application Examples When \( m = 2 \), examples of these forms can be constructed using Hermitian Eisenstein series. For example, for prime numbers \( p \) satisfying specific conditions, the Hermitian Eisenstein series \( E^{(3)}_{p + 1,K} \) and \( E^{(2)}_{p + 1,K} \) can be used as \( G^{(m + 1)}_k \) and \( G^{(m)}_k \) in the main theorem and exhibit the above p - divisibility phenomenon.