M. Firat Arikan
Abstract:We introduce a ''folded sum operation'' which glues two compact mapping tori along their common (diffeomorphic) boundaries. We call the resulting closed manifold a ''folded sum of mapping tori'', and it naturally fibers over the circle. We show that any folded sum $M$ of two ''contact'' mapping tori (their fibers are compact exact symplectic manifolds with contactomorphic convex boundaries) admits a cooriented contact structure which is ''compatible'' (in a certain sense) with the resulting fibration map from $M$ onto the circle. Moreover, we study the tightness of the resulting contact structure on $M$ for certain cases. This gives a new method of constructing closed contact manifolds in any odd dimension. In particular, it recovers some earlier constructions and results. More interestingly, in dimension three, it provides the existence of tight contact structures on a large class of (hyperbolic) surface bundles over the circle.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### The problems the paper attempts to solve
This paper aims to introduce and study a new method of constructing closed contact manifolds, called "folded sum". Specifically, the author attempts to solve the following problems:
1. **A new method for constructing closed contact manifolds**:
- The author defines a new operation - "folded sum", which creates a new closed manifold by gluing two compact mapping tori with a common boundary (diffeomorphic boundaries) along their boundaries.
- This new manifold is naturally fibered over the circle, and in some cases can be endowed with a co - oriented contact structure compatible with this fibration.
2. **Investigating the tightness of contact structures**:
- The author further studies the tightness of the contact structures obtained by the above method. In particular, in some specific cases, it is proved that these contact structures are tight.
- In the three - dimensional case, this method provides an existence result for the existence of tight contact structures on a class of (hyperbolic) surface bundles.
3. **Recovering and generalizing existing constructions**:
- This method can not only recover some early constructions and results, but also provides more extensive application scenarios, especially in constructing closed contact manifolds in high - dimensional odd - dimensional spaces.
### Specific definitions and properties of the folded sum
- **Definition of the folded sum**: Given two mapping tori \(M(\Sigma_1,\phi_1)\) and \(M(\Sigma_2,\phi_2)\), where \(\Sigma_1\) and \(\Sigma_2\) are compact symplectic manifolds with the same convex boundary, and \(\phi_1\) and \(\phi_2\) are exact symplectomorphisms (identity near boundary) on them. By gluing these two mapping tori along their common boundary, a new closed manifold \(M(\Sigma_1\cup_Y\Sigma_2,\tilde{\phi}_1\circ\tilde{\phi}_2)\) is obtained, which is called the folded sum.
- **Construction of contact structures**: By combining the contact forms on each mapping torus, a global contact form \(\sigma\) can be constructed on the folded sum, thereby defining a co - oriented contact structure \(\eta = \text{Ker}(\sigma)\). This contact structure is compatible with the fibration structure of the folded sum.
- **Discussion on tightness**: For some specific cases, the author proves that the contact structures constructed by the above method are tight. In particular, in the three - dimensional case, this provides a theoretical basis for the existence of tight contact structures on a large class of (hyperbolic) surface bundles.
### Markdown representation of formulas
The following are some key formulas involved in the paper and their Markdown - format representations:
- **Contact form**:
\lambda_{\beta_1}+K\pi_1^*(d\theta)&\text{on }\text{int}(M(\Sigma_1,\phi_1))\\
f\alpha + g d\theta&\text{on }(- 1-\epsilon,1+\epsilon)\times Y\times S^1\\
\lambda_{\beta_2}-K\pi_2^*(d\theta)&\text{on }\text{int}(M(\Sigma_2,\phi_2))
- **Reeb vector field**:
\frac{1}{K}\partial_\theta&\text{on }\text{int}(M_{st})\\
\frac{-g'}{f'g - fg'}R_\alpha+\frac{f'}{f'g -