Benjamin V. Holt
Abstract:A permutiple is a natural number that is a nontrivial multiple of a permutation of its digits in some base. Special cases of permutiples include cyclic numbers (multiples of cyclic permutations of their digits) and palintiple numbers (multiples of their digit reversals). While cyclic numbers have a fairly straightforward description, palintiple numbers admit many varieties and cases. A previous paper attempts to get a better handle on the general case by constructing new examples of permutiples with the same set of digits, multiplier, and length as a known example. However, the results are not sufficient for finding all possible examples except when the multiplier divides the base. Using an approach based on the methods of this previous paper, we develop a new method which enables us to find all examples under any conditions.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is how to find all "permutiples" with the same set of digits, multiplier, and length from a known example. Specifically, the goal of the paper is to make up for the deficiencies of previous methods, which have limitations in finding all possible permultiples, especially when the multiplier does not divide the base.
### Problem Background
- **Permutiple**: A natural number that is a non - trivial multiple of a certain permutation of its digits in a certain base.
- **Special Cases**:
- **Cyclic numbers**: The cyclic permutation of digits is its multiple.
- **Palintiple numbers**: The reversal of digits is its multiple.
### Main Contributions of the Paper
1. **Proposed a new method**: Based on previous research, the author developed a more general method that can find all permultiples that meet the conditions under any circumstances.
2. **Solved specific problems**: In particular, when the multiplier does not divide the base, previous algorithms could not find all possible permultiples. The new method can fill this gap.
3. **Application examples**: Demonstrated through specific examples how to use the new method to find all permultiples that meet the conditions.
### Formulas and Symbols
- **Notation**: \((d_k, d_{k - 1},\ldots, d_0)_b\) represents a natural number, where \(d_j\) is the \(j\)-th digit and \(b\) is the base.
- **Definition**: \((d_k, d_{k - 1},\ldots, d_0)_b\) is an \((n, b, \sigma)\)-permutiple if it satisfies:
(d_k, d_{k - 1},\ldots, d_0)_b=n\cdot(d_{\sigma(k)}, d_{\sigma(k - 1)},\ldots, d_{\sigma(0)})_b
- **Main Theorem**: In order for \((d_{\pi(k)}, d_{\pi(k - 1)},\ldots, d_{\pi(0)})_b\) to be an \((n, b, \tau)\)-permutiple, it must satisfy:
\lambda(d_j+(b - n)d_{\pi\tau\pi^{-1}(j)})\leq n - 1
where \(\lambda\) is the least non - negative residue modulo \(b\).
### Method Summary
1. **Determine the basic permutation**: Screen out all possible basic permutations \(\beta=\pi\tau\pi^{-1}\) through the above conditions.
2. **Calculate the carry**: Use the formula \(v = P_{\pi}^{-1}\hat{c}\) to determine the possible carry sequences.
3. **Restore the permutation**: Restore the permutation \(\pi\) through the formula \(10P_{\pi\psi\pi^{-1}}v=(nP_{\beta}-I)d + v\).
### Conclusion
The paper successfully provides a more general method to find all permultiples that meet the conditions, and verifies the effectiveness of this method through specific examples. In addition, the author also points out the direction of future research, such as exploring the patterns or limitations between the permutation type and the order of the base permutation.