An Accurate and Efficient Algorithm for The Time-fractional Molecular Beam Epitaxy Model with Slope Selection
Lizhen Chen,Jia Zhao,Waixiang Cao,Hong Wang,Jiwei Zhang
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a time-fractional molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) model with slope selection and its efficient, accurate, full discrete, linear numerical approximation. The numerical scheme utilizes the fast algorithm for the Caputo fractional derivative operator in time discretization and Fourier spectral method in spatial discretization. Refinement tests are conducted to verify the $2-\alpha$ order of time convergence, with $\alpha \in (0, 1]$ the fractional order of derivative. Several numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our newly proposed scheme. By exploring the fast algorithm calculating the Caputo fractional derivative, our numerical scheme makes it practice for long time simulation of MBE coarsening, which is essential for MBE model in practice. With the proposed fractional MBE model, we observe that the scaling law for the energy decays as $ O(t^{-\frac{\alpha}{3}})$ and the roughness increases as $O(t^{\frac{\alpha}{3}})$, during the coarsening dynamics with random initial condition. That is to say, the coarsening rate of MBE model could be manipulated by the fractional order $\alpha$, and it is linearly proportional to $\alpha$. This is the first time in literature to report/discover such scaling correlation. It provides a potential application field for fractional differential equations. Besides, the numerical approximation strategy proposed in this paper can be readily applied to study many classes of time-fractional and high dimensional phase field models.
Numerical Analysis