Constraints on metastable superheavy dark matter coupled to sterile neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory
A. Abdul Halim,P. Abreu,M. Aglietta,I. Allekotte,K. Almeida Cheminant,A. Almela,R. Aloisio,J. Alvarez-Muñiz,J. Ammerman Yebra,G. A. Anastasi,L. Anchordoqui,B. Andrada,S. Andringa,L. Apollonio,C. Aramo,P. R. Araújo Ferreira,E. Arnone,J. C. Arteaga Velázquez,P. Assis,G. Avila,E. Avocone,A. Bakalova,F. Barbato,A. Bartz Mocellin,J. A. Bellido,C. Berat,M. E. Bertaina,G. Bhatta,M. Bianciotto,P. L. Biermann,V. Binet,K. Bismark,T. Bister,J. Biteau,J. Blazek,C. Bleve,J. Blümer,M. Boháčová,D. Boncioli,C. Bonifazi,L. Bonneau Arbeletche,N. Borodai,J. Brack,P. G. Brichetto Orchera,F. L. Briechle,A. Bueno,S. Buitink,M. Buscemi,M. Büsken,A. Bwembya,K. S. Caballero-Mora,S. Cabana-Freire,L. Caccianiga,F. Campuzano,R. Caruso,A. Castellina,F. Catalani,G. Cataldi,L. Cazon,M. Cerda,A. Cermenati,J. A. Chinellato,J. Chudoba,L. Chytka,R. W. Clay,A. C. Cobos Cerutti,R. Colalillo,M. R. Coluccia,R. Conceição,A. Condorelli,G. Consolati,M. Conte,F. Convenga,D. Correia dos Santos,P. J. Costa,C. E. Covault,M. Cristinziani,C. S. Cruz Sanchez,S. Dasso,K. Daumiller,B. R. Dawson,R. M. de Almeida,J. de Jesús,S. J. de Jong,J. R. T. de Mello Neto,I. De Mitri,J. de Oliveira,D. de Oliveira Franco,F. de Palma,V. de Souza,B. de Souza de P. Errico,E. De Vito,A. Del Popolo,O. Deligny,N. Denner,L. Deval,A. di Matteo,M. Dobre,C. Dobrigkeit,J. C. D’Olivo,L. M. Domingues Mendes,Q. Dorosti,J. C. dos Anjos,R. C. dos Anjos,J. Ebr,F. Ellwanger,M. Emam,R. Engel,I. Epicoco,M. Erdmann,A. Etchegoyen,C. Evoli,H. Falcke,G. Farrar,A. C. Fauth,N. Fazzini,F. Feldbusch,F. Fenu,A. Fernandes,B. Fick,J. M. Figueira,A. Filipčič,T. Fitoussi,B. Flaggs,T. Fodran,T. Fujii,A. Fuster,C. Galea,C. Galelli,B. García,C. Gaudu,H. Gemmeke,F. Gesualdi,A. Gherghel-Lascu,P. L. Ghia,U. Giaccari,J. Glombitza,F. Gobbi,F. Gollan,G. Golup,M. Gómez Berisso,P. F. Gómez Vitale,J. P. Gongora,J. M. González,N. González,D. Góra,A. Gorgi,M. Gottowik,T. D. Grubb,F. Guarino,G. P. Guedes,E. Guido,L. Gülzow,S. Hahn,P. Hamal,M. R. Hampel,P. Hansen,D. Harari,V. M. Harvey,A. Haungs,T. Hebbeker,C. Hojvat,J. R. Hörandel,P. Horvath,M. Hrabovský,T. Huege,A. Insolia,P. G. Isar,P. Janecek,V. Jilek,J. A. Johnsen,J. Jurysek,K.-H. Kampert,B. Keilhauer,A. Khakurdikar,V. V. Kizakke Covilakam,H. O. Klages,M. Kleifges,F. Knapp,J. Köhler,N. Kunka,B. L. Lago,N. Langner,M. A. Leigui de Oliveira,Y. Lema-Capeans,A. Letessier-Selvon,I. Lhenry-Yvon,L. Lopes,L. Lu,Q. Luce,J. P. Lundquist,A. Machado Payeras,M. Majercakova,D. Mandat,B. C. Manning,P. Mantsch,F. M. Mariani,A. G. Mariazzi,I. C. Mariş,G. Marsella,D. Martello,S. Martinelli,O. Martínez Bravo,M. A. Martins,H.-J. Mathes,J. Matthews,G. Matthiae,E. Mayotte,S. Mayotte,P. O. Mazur,G. Medina-Tanco,J. Meinert,D. Melo,A. Menshikov,C. Merx,S. Michal,M. I. Micheletti,L. Miramonti,S. Mollerach,F. Montanet,L. Morejon,C. Morello,K. Mulrey,R. Mussa,W. M. Namasaka,S. Negi,L. Nellen,K. Nguyen,G. Nicora,M. Niechciol,D. Nitz,D. Nosek,V. Novotny,L. Nožka,A. Nucita,L. A. Núñez,C. Oliveira,M. Palatka,J. Pallotta,S. Panja,G. Parente,T. Paulsen,J. Pawlowsky,M. Pech,J. Pȩkala,R. Pelayo,L. A. S. Pereira,E. E. Pereira Martins,J. Perez Armand,C. Pérez Bertolli,L. Perrone,S. Petrera,C. Petrucci,T. Pierog,M. Pimenta,M. Platino,B. Pont,M. Pothast,M. Pourmohammad Shahvar,P. Privitera,M. Prouza,S. Querchfeld,J. Rautenberg,D. Ravignani,J. V. Reginatto Akim,M. Reininghaus,J. Ridky,F. Riehn,M. Risse,V. Rizi,W. Rodrigues de Carvalho,E. Rodriguez,J. Rodriguez Rojo,M. J. Roncoroni,S. Rossoni,M. Roth,E. Roulet,A. C. Rovero,P. Ruehl,A. Saftoiu,M. Saharan,F. Salamida,H. Salazar,G. Salina,J. D. Sanabria Gomez,F. Sánchez,E. M. Santos,E. Santos,F. Sarazin,R. Sarmento,R. Sato,P. Savina,C. M. Schäfer,V. Scherini,H. Schieler,M. Schimassek,M. Schimp,D. Schmidt,O. Scholten,H. Schoorlemmer,P. Schovánek,F. G. Schröder,J. Schulte,T. Schulz,S. J. Sciutto,M. Scornavacche,A. Sedoski,A. Segreto,S. Sehgal,S. U. Shivashankara,G. Sigl,G. Silli,O. Sima,K. Simkova,F. Simon,R. Smau,R. Šmída,P. Sommers,J. F. Soriano,R. Squartini,M. Stadelmaier,S. Stanič,J. Stasielak,P. Stassi,S. Strähnz,M. Straub,T. Suomijärvi,A. D. Supanitsky,Z. Svozilikova,Z. Szadkowski,F. Tairli,A. Tapia,C. Taricco,C. Timmermans,O. Tkachenko,P. Tobiska,C. J. Todero Peixoto,B. Tomé,Z. Torrès,A. Travaini,P. Travnicek,C. Trimarelli,M. Tueros,M. Unger,L. Vaclavek,M. Vacula,J. F. Valdés Galicia,L. Valore,E. Varela,A. Vásquez-Ramírez,D. Veberič,C. Ventura,I. D. Vergara Quispe,V. Verzi,J. Vicha,J. Vink,S. Vorobiov,C. Watanabe,A. A. Watson,A. Weindl,L. Wiencke,H. Wilczyński,D. Wittkowski,B. Wundheiler,B. Yue,A. Yushkov,O. Zapparrata,E. Zas,D. Zavrtanik,M. Zavrtanik,A. Abdul Halim et al. (The Pierre Auger Collaboration)
IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:Dark matter particles could be superheavy, provided their lifetime is much longer than the age of the Universe. Using the sensitivity of the Pierre Auger Observatory to ultrahigh energy neutrinos and photons, we constrain a specific extension of the Standard Model of particle physics that meets the lifetime requirement for a superheavy particle by coupling it to a sector of ultralight sterile neutrinos. Our results show that, for a typical dark coupling constant of 0.1, the mixing angle θm between active and sterile neutrinos must satisfy, roughly, θm≲1.5×10−6(MX/109 GeV)−2 for a mass MX of the dark-matter particle between 108 GeV and 1011 GeV . Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP 3 . Published by the American Physical Society
astronomy & astrophysics,physics, particles & fields