An Overview of GPT-4's Characteristics through the Lens of 10V's of Big Data
D. Akhtom,O. M. Alyasiri,Mashary N. Alrasheedy
Abstract:The vast reservoirs of archival and consequential data within Big Data present an invaluable resource for organizations, capable of fortifying business decisions on factual evidence rather than subjective perceptions. The comprehensive framework of the 10 Vs—volume, veracity, velocity, variety, value, validity, variability, venue, vocabulary, and vagueness—represents the most sophisticated approach to defining Big Data. This research explores the potential of integrating GPT-4, a pre-trained Natural Language Processing (NLP) model, into the handling of Big Data within the context of these 10V's. Highlighting GPT-4's pivotal role in the era of massive information, the study confirms its alignment with key aspects of Big Data processing, including volume, variety, velocity, value, validity, vocabulary, and addressing vagueness, despite its limitation to textual and image data. Consequently, this research serves as a foundational guide for both researchers and industries, proposing GPT-4 as an effective AI tool for handling extensive and diverse Big Data with enhanced efficiency.
Computer Science,Business