Nicholas Agia,Daniel L. Jafferis
Abstract:We study Horowitz-Polchinski string stars in pure AdS$_3$ near the Hagedorn temperature using the technique of worldsheet conformal perturbation theory. Since the worldsheet CFT for pure AdS$_3$ is known exactly, our methodology provides a systematic way to construct Horowitz-Polchinski backgrounds to all orders in $\alpha'$. We explicitly construct the leading string star equations in a double expansion in temperature and WZW level $k$ which we then solve numerically.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to construct the Horowitz - Polchinski (HP) string star background in AdS3 under pure NSNS flux. Specifically, the researchers used the worldsheet conformal perturbation theory. Starting from the Euclidean thermal AdS3 worldsheet conformal field theory close to the Hagedorn temperature, they constructed these backgrounds through time - winding and the deformation of gravitational string vertex operators. This process can be systematically constructed up to all orders of the α' term, thus providing a systematic method to construct the Horowitz - Polchinski background.
### Main Objectives:
1. **Understand the string star background**: Study the string star background in AdS3 through the worldsheet method under pure NSNS flux.
2. **Construct equations**: Derive the leading equations that describe the string star and solve these equations numerically.
3. **Verify the method**: Verify the effectiveness of the worldsheet method by comparing with the results of the target - space effective action method.
### Specific Steps:
1. **Review the Horowitz - Polchinski method in flat space**: Review the Horowitz - Polchinski method in flat space from the worldsheet perspective to lay the foundation for the subsequent AdS3 research.
2. **Derive the HP equations in AdS3**: Derive in detail the Horowitz - Polchinski equations in AdS3, including the contributions of the time - winding operator and gravitational back - reaction.
3. **Numerical solution**: Numerically solve the string star equations at different temperatures and WZW levels k, and transform the results into the target - space position basis in order to compare with the results of the target - space effective action method.
4. **Consider string corrections**: Provide the formulas required to calculate the first few string corrections to improve the accuracy of the results.
### Key Formulas:
- **The inverse Hagedorn temperature of AdS3**:
\beta_H = 4\pi\sqrt{\alpha'} \left(1 - \frac{1}{4(k - 2)}\right)
- **String star equations**:
0 = \left[q^2 + 4\epsilon(\epsilon + 2)\right]g_\pm(q)-\frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^\infty dq'\int_0^\infty dq''\hat{C}_{q,q',q''}g_\pm(q')g(q'')
0 = q^2g(q)-\frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^\infty dq'\int_0^\infty dq''\hat{C}_{q,q',q''}g_+(q')g_-(q'')
\hat{C}_{q_1,q_2,q_3}=-\frac{[2\Gamma(d/2)(1 + \epsilon)]^{3/2}}{(d - 2)!\pi^{d/4}\theta(\Delta(q_1,q_2,q_3))}\left(\frac{(q_1 + q_2 + q_3)(-q_1 + q_2 + q_3)(q_1 - q_2 + q_3)(q_1 + q_2 - q_3)}{2q_1q_2q_3}\right)^{(d - 3)/2}
### Conclusion:
Through the above methods, the researchers successfully constructed the Horowitz - Polchinski string star background in AdS3 under pure NSNS flux and verified the properties of these backgrounds numerically. This not only deepens our understanding of thermodynamics in string theory and the properties of small black - hole strings but also provides important tools and methods for further research.