Wall-Crossing Effects on Quiver BPS Algebras
Dmitry Galakhov,Alexei Morozov,Nikita Tselousov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05%282024%29118
Abstract:BPS states in supersymmetric theories can admit additional algebro-geometric structures in their spectra, described as quiver Yangian algebras. Equivariant fixed points on the quiver variety are interpreted as vectors populating a representation module, and matrix elements for the generators are then defined as Duistermaat-Heckman integrals in the vicinity of these points. The well-known wall-crossing phenomena are that the fixed point spectrum establishes a dependence on the stability (Fayet-Illiopolous) parameters $\zeta$, jumping abruptly across the walls of marginal stability, which divide the $\zeta$-space into a collection of stability chambers -- ``phases'' of the theory. The standard construction of the quiver Yangian algebra relies heavily on the molten crystal model, valid in a sole cyclic chamber where all the $\zeta$-parameters have the same sign. We propose to lift this restriction and investigate the effects of the wall-crossing phenomena on the quiver Yangian algebra and its representations -- starting with the example of affine super-Yangian $\mathsf{Y}(\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}}_{1|1})$. In addition to the molten crystal construction more general atomic structures appear, in other non-cyclic phases (chambers of the $\zeta$-space). We call them glasses and also divide in a few different classes. For some of the new phases we manage to associate an algebraic structure again as a representation of the same affine Yangian $\mathsf{Y}(\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}}_{1|1})$. This observation supports an earlier conjecture that the BPS algebraic structures can be considered as new wall-crossing invariants.
High Energy Physics - Theory,Mathematical Physics,Algebraic Geometry,Quantum Algebra,Representation Theory