Splitting Algebraic Singular Fibrations via Perturbation of Branch Covers

Sümeyra Sakallı,Jeremy Van Horn-Morris
Abstract:In a previous paper \cite{SV}, the authors studied the isolated singular fibers that can occur in algebraic fibrations of certain genus two fibrations. There the goal was to determine their monodromy factorizations with the goal of determining a dictionary between a set of curve configurations and certain words in the mapping class group. Each such curve configuration was originally cataloged by Namikawa and Ueno \cite{NamikawaUeno-list} in their list of genus two fibrations. We studied four families of polynomials, we restricted to fibrations whose fibers have boundary, considering the isolated affine singularity referenced in \cite{NamikawaUeno-list}. We resolved the singularities and, using carefully chosen perturbations, deformed them into Lefschetz fibrations and determined their monodromy factorizations. In two of those families, we also obtained strong information about how the central fiber compactifies in a fibration with closed fibers. In this paper we work on the other two cases by recreating the singular fibers using a different family of polynomials. In \cite{SV}, all the algebraic curves in the fibrations were given expressly as hyperelliptic equations. We utilized this symmetry both to construct the deformation and to recover the monodromy factorization. In this paper the curves are no longer expressly hyperelliptic--the quotient curve is no longer just $\CC$, the branch curves are no longer embedded in $\CC^2$, and the fibrations utilized in the quotient are now more complicated. We do, though, recover the desired behavior of the compactification of the central fiber, its deformation to a Lefschetz fibration, and the corresponding monodromy factorization.
Geometric Topology,Algebraic Geometry,Symplectic Geometry
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