Logical Views of Dmytro Chyzhevskyi
Marianna Plakhtiy
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23939/shv2024.01.013
Humanitarian vision
Abstract:The article analyzes the logical-philosophical ideas of D. Chyzhevskyi based on his own lectures on logic. D. Chyzhevskyi is an outstanding scholar in the history of Ukrainian humanities. The study of his logical heritage reveals his scientific versatility, deep philosophical understanding, and orientation in new directions of logic. The purpose of the research is to conduct a theoretical analysis of D. Chyzhevskyi's logical research from the perspective of their problematic nature, methodology, content, and delineation of existing trends in logic. The methodological principles of the research are historical, hermeneutic, and comparative methods. The study of logic has always been a propaedeutic not only for philosophical knowledge but also for preparation for scientific activity in any field. D.Chyzhevskyi understands the significance of logic. He defines logic as a philosophical science that has own object and studies the forms of assertions and negations. In the structure of logical knowledge, he distinguishes: the theory of concepts, judgments, inference, as well as methodology and the theory of science. D. Chyzhevskyi identifies six directions of logic: empirical logic, mathematical logic, Kant's transcendental logic, the historical methodology of logic, systematics, and the criticism of psychologism in logic. There is a significant amount of explanations related to mathematical logic in D.Chyzhevskyi's textbook. He analyzes the views of de Morgan, J. Bull, St. Jevons, D. Peano, E. Schroeder, L. Couture, B. Russell, J. Royce, O. Weblin. According to Chyzhevskyi, the advantages of mathematical logic are the possibility of building a more precise science through the establishment of a system of axioms and rigorous proof of theorems.