Landau-Zener without a Qubit: Unveiling Multiphoton Interference, Synthetic Floquet Dimensions, and Dissipative Quantum Chaos
Leo Peyruchat,Fabrizio Minganti,Marco Scigliuzzo,Filippo Ferrari,Vincent Jouanny,Franco Nori,Vincenzo Savona,Pasquale Scarlino
Abstract:Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana (LZSM) interference emerges when the parameters of a $\textit{qubit}$ are periodically modulated across an avoided level crossing. Here, we investigate the occurrence of the LZSM phenomenon in nonlinear multilevel bosonic systems, where the interference pattern is determined by multiple energy levels and cannot be described by a level crossing between only two states. We fabricate two superconducting resonators made of flux-tunable Josephson junction arrays. The first device is very weakly nonlinear (the nonlinearity is smaller than the photon-loss rate) and, when a weak driving field is applied, it behaves as a linear resonator, yet shows the same LZSM interference as in a two-level system. Notably, here the interference originates from multiple avoided level crossings of the harmonic ladder. When subjected to a stronger drive, nonlinear effects start playing a role, and the interference pattern departs from the one observed in two-level systems. We demonstrate that, when two or more LZSM interference peaks merge, dissipative quantum chaos emerges. In the second device, where the nonlinearity surpasses the photon-loss rate, we observe additional LZSM interference peaks due to Kerr multiphoton resonances. When described under the light of the Floquet theory, these resonances can be interpreted as synthetic modes of an array of coupled cavities. We derive a simple effective model highlighting the essential features of the entirety of these phenomena. As the control of LZSM in qubit systems led to the implementation of fast protocols for characterization and state preparation, our findings pave the way to better control of nonlinear resonators, with implications for diverse quantum technological platforms.
Quantum Physics,Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics