On quasi-arithmeticity of hyperbolic hybrids
Nikolay Bogachev,Dmitry Guschin,Andrei Vesnin
Abstract:We study a more general version of the hybrid construction of Gromov and Piatetski--Shapiro, where the building blocks are no longer assumed to be arithmetic. We show that if such a general hyberbolic hybrid of dimension $\geqslant 3$ is quasi-arithmetic (a notion which is a broader notion than that of arithmeticity) then each building block must be quasi-arithmetic as well and, moreover, must with the same ambient group and adjoint trace field. On the other hand, we provide an example of a nonarithmetic but quasi-arithmetic orbifold such that a specific gluing of this orbifold with itself along the boundary gives rise to an arithmetic hyperbolic orbifold. We also note that if the building blocks are incommensurable, then the hybrid is not arithmetic. Together with the above, this implies that if a hyperbolic hybrid is arithmetic, then it is glued from commensurable quasi-arithmetic blocks.
We illustrate the above results in the setting of reflection groups and hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra and apply them to rule out the (quasi-)arithmeticity of a family of ideal hyperbolic right-angled $3$-polyhedra, namely, certain ``twisted'' ideal right-angled antiprisms.
Geometric Topology,Group Theory,Number Theory