Majorana fermions and quantum information with fractional topology and disorder

Ephraim Bernhardt,Brian Chung Hang Cheung,Karyn Le Hur
Abstract:The quest to identify and observe Majorana fermions in physics and condensed-matter systems remains an important challenge. Here, we introduce a qubit (spin-$1/2$) from the occurrence of two delocalized zero-energy Majorana fermions in a model of two spins-$1/2$ on the Bloch sphere within the fractional one-half topological state. We address specific protocols in time with circularly polarized light and the protection of this delocalized spin-$1/2$ state related to quantum information protocols. We also show how disorder can play a positive and important role allowing singlet-triplet transitions and resulting in an additional elongated region for the fractional phase, demonstrating the potential of this platform related to applications in topologically protected quantum information. We generalize our approach with an array and Majorana fermions at the edges in a ring geometry.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Disordered Systems and Neural Networks,Strongly Correlated Electrons,Quantum Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problems that this paper attempts to solve are to identify and observe Majorana fermions in condensed - matter physical systems and explore their potential applications in topologically protected quantum information processing. Specifically, the paper discusses the following points: 1. **Introduction of topological states and Majorana fermions**: - Through two spin - 1/2 models, the paper introduces a pair of zero - energy Majorana fermions in the fractional topological state and shows how these fermions form a non - local spin - 1/2 state (qubit). - The author uses the time protocol of circularly polarized light to protect this non - local spin - 1/2 state and correlates it with the quantum information protocol. 2. **The influence of disorder**: - The positive role of disorder in the system is studied, indicating that disorder can promote singlet - triplet transitions and expand the region of the fractional phase, thus providing more possibilities for the application of topologically protected quantum information. 3. **Generalization to ring geometries**: - The method is generalized to arrays and ring geometries containing multiple spins, showing how to introduce a pair of Majorana fermions at one end of the ring, further enhancing the topological protection characteristics of the system. 4. **Quantum information processing**: - The manipulation of the entire Bloch sphere by circularly polarized electromagnetic waves is explored, showing how to construct non - local qubits using these Majorana fermions, and this is verified through specific experimental paths. 5. **Decoherence resistance**: - The Caldeira - Leggett model is used to analyze the decoherence behavior of τ - spin under environmental coupling, proving that τ - spin has strong decoherence - resistance ability, especially showing good stability in the x - direction coupling with the environment. ### Formula summary - **Hamiltonian**: \[ H_{\text{rad}} = -d(\sin\theta \cos\phi \sigma_x + \sin\theta \sin\phi \sigma_y + \cos\theta \sigma_z) - M \sigma_z \] - **Chern number**: \[ C = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_S dS_{\theta\phi} F_{\theta\phi} \] where Berry curvature \( F_{\theta\phi} = \partial_\theta A_\phi - \partial_\phi A_\theta \), and \( A_\mu = i \langle \psi | \partial_\mu | \psi \rangle \). - **Effective Hamiltonian**: \[ H_{\text{eff}}(\theta=\pi^-) = r_z \sigma_z^1 \sigma_z^2 - \frac{r_z d^2 \sin^2\theta}{r_z^2 - (d - M)^2} \sigma_x^1 \sigma_x^2 \] - **τ - spin operator**: \[ \tau_z = 2i \alpha_1 \eta_2, \quad \tau_x = \sqrt{2} \alpha_1, \quad \tau_y = -\sqrt{2} \eta_N \] - **Decoherence model**: \[ H = H_{\text{spin}} + \frac{\sigma_z}{2} \sum_k g_k (b^\dagger_k + b_k) + \sum_k \omega_k b^\dagger_k b_k \] Through the research of these problems, the paper aims to provide new theoretical foundations and technical means for topologically protected quantum computing based on Majorana fermions.